Amend CSSB 712 as follows:                                                   
	(1)  On page 2, line 23, add new SECTION 2 and renumber 
	SECTION 2.  Amend section 35.004 of the Utilities Code by 
adding a new Subsection (f) to read as follows:
	(f)  In order to properly reflect the infrastructure costs 
and benefits of energy efficiency and other technologies and 
resources that do not require transmission infrastructure, the 
commission shall develop and implement rules to ensure that a power 
generation company that interconnects with the transmission 
facilities of an electric utility, municipally owned utility, or 
electric cooperative in ERCOT bears an appropriate share of the 
costs of transmission additions and upgrades made necessary by the 
power generation company's interconnection to and use of the 
transmission system and transmission additions and upgrades 
associated with a competitive renewable energy zone.  The rules 
shall be competitively neutral and consistent with the purposes of 
this subtitle.