Amend CSSB 743 (House committee printing) by adding the 
following appropriately numbered SECTION to read as follows and 
renumbering subsequent SECTIONS accordingly:
	SECTION     . (a)  The Public Utility Commission of Texas, as 
part of the commission's continuing analysis of reserve margins and 
capacity needs for the ERCOT system, shall consider creating and 
may establish a new alternative market mechanism to allow a 
potential interruptible industrial load that is greater than one 
megawatt and that is not participating in the ERCOT market as a load 
acting as a resource to provide the benefits of interruptible load 
to the system and to be compensated for that service.
	(b)  The legislature finds that businesses in this state that 
are able to participate in an alternative interruptible service 
compete in interstate and global markets and that the opportunity 
for the businesses to be compensated for their interruptible loads 
is essential to the businesses' ability to remain competitive and 
to provide significant benefits to the economy of this state.  The 
Public Utility Commission of Texas shall consider these economic 
benefits in analyzing the potential of interruptible service.
	(c)  Not later than January 1, 2006, the Public Utility 
Commission of Texas shall report any actions taken regarding 
interruptible service and the results of its analysis of 
interruptible service to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the 
speaker of the house of representatives, and the presiding officer 
of each legislative committee with jurisdiction over electric 