Amend CSSB 771 (house committee printing) as follows:                        
	(1)  In the recital to SECTION 3 of the bill (page 2, line 
26), strike "Subsection (g)" and substitute "Subsections (g), (h), 
and (i)".
	(2)  In SECTION 3 of the bill, immediately following proposed 
Section 311.010(g), Tax Code (page 3, between lines 3 and 4), insert 
the following:
	(h)  Subject to the approval of the governing body of the 
municipality that created the zone, the board of directors of a 
reinvestment zone, as necessary or convenient to implement the 
project plan and reinvestment zone financing plan and achieve their 
purposes, may establish and provide for the administration of one 
or more programs for the public purposes of developing and 
diversifying the economy of the zone, eliminating unemployment and 
underemployment in the zone, and developing or expanding 
transportation, business, and commercial activity in the zone, 
including programs to make grants and loans from the tax increment 
fund of the zone in an aggregate amount not to exceed the amount of 
the tax increment produced by the municipality and paid into the tax 
increment fund for the zone for activities that benefit the zone and 
stimulate business and commercial activity in the zone.  For 
purposes of this subsection, on approval of the municipality, the 
board of directors of the zone has all the powers of a municipality 
under Chapter 380, Local Government Code.
	(i)  The board of directors of a reinvestment zone or a local 
government corporation administering a reinvestment zone may 
contract with the municipality that created the zone to allocate 
from the tax increment fund for the zone an amount equal to the tax 
increment produced by the municipality and paid into the tax 
increment fund for the zone to pay the incremental costs of 
providing municipal services incurred as a result of the creation 
of the zone or the development or redevelopment of the land in the 
zone, regardless of whether the costs of those services are 
identified in the project plan or reinvestment zone financing plan 
for the zone.
	(3)  Insert the following appropriately numbered section of 
the bill and renumber the subsequent sections of the bill 
	SECTION __.  Section 311.013, Tax Code, is amended by 
amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (l) and (m) to read 
as follows:
	(b)  Each taxing unit shall pay into the tax increment fund 
for the zone an amount equal to the tax increment produced by the 
unit, less the sum of:
		(1)  property taxes produced from the tax increments 
that are, by contract executed before the designation of the area as 
a reinvestment zone, required to be paid by the unit to another 
political subdivision; and
		(2)  for a taxing unit other than the municipality that 
created the zone, a portion, not to exceed 15 percent, of the tax 
increment produced by the unit as provided by the reinvestment zone 
financing plan or a larger portion as provided by Subsection (f).
	(l)  The governing body of a municipality that designates an 
area as a reinvestment zone may determine in the designating 
ordinance adopted under Section 311.003 or in the ordinance adopted 
under Section 311.011 approving the reinvestment zone financing 
plan for the zone the portion of the tax increment produced by the 
municipality that the municipality is required to pay into the tax 
increment fund for the zone.  If a municipality does not determine 
the portion of the tax increment produced by the municipality that 
the municipality is required to pay into the tax increment fund for 
a reinvestment zone, the municipality is required to pay into the 
fund for the zone the entire tax increment produced by the 
municipality, except as provided by Subsection (b)(1).
	(m)  The governing body of a municipality that is located in 
a county with a population of more than 1.4 million but less than 
2.1 million or in a county with a population of 3.3 million or more 
by ordinance may reduce the portion of the tax increment produced by 
the municipality that the municipality is required to pay into the 
tax increment fund for the zone.   The municipality may not reduce 
under this subsection the portion of the tax increment produced by 
the municipality that the municipality is required to pay into the 
tax increment fund for the zone unless the municipality provides 
each county that has entered into an agreement with the 
municipality to pay all or a portion of the county's tax increment 
into the fund an opportunity to enter into an agreement with the 
municipality to reduce the portion of the tax increment produced by 
the county that the county is required to pay into the tax increment 
fund for the zone by the same proportion that the portion of the 
municipality's tax increment that the municipality is required to 
pay into the fund is reduced.  The portion of the tax increment 
produced by a municipality that the municipality is required to pay 
into the tax increment fund for a reinvestment zone, as reduced by 
the ordinance adopted under this subsection, together with all 
other revenues required to be paid into the fund, must be sufficient 
to complete and pay for the estimated costs of projects listed in 
the reinvestment zone financing plan and pay any tax increment 
bonds or notes issued for the zone, and any other obligations of the 