Amend CSSB 809, house committee printing, by inserting the 
following new SECTION, appropriately numbered, and renumbering 
subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter D, Chapter 1506, Insurance Code, 
is amended by adding Section 1506.160 to read as follows:
	Sec. 1506.160.  REIMBURSEMENT RATES.  The health benefit 
coverage provided by the pool must provide payment or reimbursement 
for covered benefits to physicians and other health care providers 
at the lesser of:
		(1)  the rate specified in the contract between the  
physician and other health care provider and the pool or a preferred 
provider organization or health maintenance organization 
established by or contracting with the pool; or
		(2)  the applicable Medicare allowable rate.