Amend CSSB 809  (house committee printing) as follows:                       
	(1)  In SECTION 5 of the bill, in added Section 1506.2522, 
Insurance Code, strike the phrases "or retired employee" and "or 
retired employees" each place the phrases appear (page 4, line 26, 
and page 5, lines 4, 7-8, 13, 15, and 19).
	(2)  In SECTION 5 of the bill, in added Section 1506.2522, 
Insurance Code, following Subsection (d) (page 5, between lines 23 
and 24), insert:
	(e)  In determining the number of enrolled individuals to 
report under this section, the health benefit plan issuer shall 
exclude individuals who are retired employees who are 65 years of 
age or older.