Amend SB 825 on third reading by adding the following 
appropriately numbered section and renumbering the remaining 
sections of the bill accordingly:
	SECTION      .  Section 2054.252(e), Government Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(e)  The authority shall charge fees to licensing entities as 
provided by this subchapter in amounts sufficient to cover the cost 
of implementing this section with respect to licensing entities.  
The authority shall charge a subscription fee to be paid by each 
licensing entity.  The authority may not charge the subscription 
fee until the service for which the fee is charge is available on 
the Internet.  If the authority determines that the transaction 
costs exceed the maximum increase in occupational license issuance 
or renewal fees allowed under Subsection (g), the authority may 
also charge a reasonable convenience fee to be recovered from a 
license holder who uses the project for online issuance or renewal 
of a license.