Amend SB 1055 (House Committee Report) by inserting the following SECTION and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS accordingly: SECTION ____. Subchapter D, Chapter 247, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Section 247.069 to read as follows: Sec. 247.069. CONSUMER CHOICE FOR ASSISTED LIVING IN COMMUNITY CARE PROGRAMS. The community based alternatives program and the residential care programs, which provide an assisted living option to consumers, shall provide a consumer the opportunity to choose an assisted living facility that meets the department's licensing standards relating to facility construction without regard to the number of units in the facility, if: (1) consumers are advised of all other community care options; and (2) the facility: (A) has never been licensed by the department as anything other than an assisted living facility; (B) is not physically connected to a skilled nursing facility; (C) was constructed before September 1, 2005; and (D) otherwise meets all other community care program standards.