Amend SB 1131 (house committee report) by adding the 
following SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS 
as appropriate:
	SECTION __.  Subchapter B, Chapter 370, Transportation Code, 
is amended by adding Section 370.0311 to read as follows:
	Sec. 370.0311. CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES. (a)  This section 
applies to a municipality:
		(1)  with a population of 5,000 or less; and                           
		(2)  in which a ferry system that is a part of the state 
highway system is located.
	(b)  A municipality has the same authority as a county under 
this chapter to create and participate in an authority.
	(c)  A municipality that creates or participates in an 
authority has the same powers and duties as a county that creates or 
participates in an authority under this chapter.
	(d)  The governing body of a municipality that creates or 
participates in an authority has the same powers and duties as a 
commissioners court of a county that creates or participates in an 
authority under this chapter.
	(e)  An elected member of the governing body of a municipality 
that creates or participates in an authority has the same powers and 
duties as a commissioner of a county that creates or participates in 
an authority under this chapter.
	SECTION __.  Section 370.037(h), Transportation Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(h)  An authority may permanently [temporarily] charge a toll 
for use of a ferry transferred under this section [to pay the costs 
necessary for an expansion of the ferry. An authority may 
permanently charge a toll for use of ferry facilities that are an 
expansion of the ferry transferred under this section]. An 
authority may permanently charge a fee or toll for priority use of 
ferry facilities under Section 370.193.
	SECTION __.  Subchapter E, Chapter 370, Transportation Code, 
is amended by adding Section 370.193 to read as follows:
	Sec. 370.193.  PRIORITY BOARDING OF FERRY.  An authority may 
establish a system under which an owner of a motor vehicle may pay 
an additional fee or toll that entitles the vehicle to have priority 
in boarding a ferry operated by the authority.