Amend CSSB 1176 (House Committee Printing) by adding the 
following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and 
renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.002, Insurance Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	Sec. 1551.002.  PURPOSES.  The purposes of this chapter are 
		(1)  provide uniformity and individual choice and 
control in life, accident, and health benefit coverages for all 
state officers and employees and their dependents;
		(2)  enable the state to attract and retain competent 
and able employees by providing employees and their dependents with 
life, accident, and health benefit coverages at least equal to 
those commonly provided in private industry;
		(3)  foster, promote, and encourage employment by and 
service to the state as a career profession for individuals of high 
standards of competence and ability;
		(4)  recognize and protect the state's investment in 
each permanent employee by promoting and preserving economic 
security and good health among employees and their dependents;
		(5)  foster and develop high standards of 
employer-employee relationships between the state and its 
		(6)  recognize the long and faithful service and 
dedication of state officers and employees and encourage them to 
remain in state service until eligible for retirement by providing 
health benefits for them and their dependents;  and
		(7)  recognize the service to the state by employees 
and retired employees of community supervision and corrections 
departments by extending to them and their dependents the same 
life, accident, and health benefit coverages as those provided 
under this chapter to state employees, retired state employees, and 
their dependents.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.011, Insurance Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	Sec. 1551.011.  EXEMPTION FROM EXECUTION.  All benefit 
payments, state contributions, contributions of employees and 
annuitants, and optional benefit payments, any rights, benefits, or 
payments accruing to a person under this chapter, and all money in a 
fund created by this chapter:
		(1)  are exempt from execution, attachment, 
garnishment, or any other process; and
		(2)  may not be assigned, except:                                             
			(A)  for direct payment that a participant may 
assign to a provider of health care services; and
			(B)  as specifically provided by this chapter.                               
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.055, Insurance Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
REGARDING COVERAGE PLANS.  The board of trustees may:
		(1)  prepare specifications for a coverage provided 
under this chapter;     
		(2)  prescribe the time and conditions under which an 
employee, annuitant, or dependent is eligible for a coverage 
provided under this chapter;
		(3)  determine the methods and procedures of claims 
		(4)  determine the amount of payroll deductions and 
reductions applicable to employees and annuitants and establish 
procedures to implement those deductions and reductions;
		(5)  establish procedures for the board of trustees to 
decide contested cases arising from a coverage provided under this 
		(6)  study, on an ongoing basis, the operation of all 
coverages provided under this chapter, including gross and net 
costs, administration costs, benefits, utilization of benefits, 
and claims administration;
		(7)  administer the employees life, accident, and 
health insurance and benefits fund;
		(8)  provide the beginning and ending dates of 
coverages of participants under all benefit plans;
		(9)  develop basic group coverage plans applicable to 
all individuals eligible to participate in the group benefits 
program under Sections 1551.101 and 1551.102;
		(10)  provide for optional group coverage plans in 
addition to the basic group coverage plans;
		(11)  provide, as the board of trustees determines is 
appropriate, either additional statewide optional coverage plans 
or individual agency coverage plans;
		(12)  develop health benefit plans that permit access 
to high-quality, cost-effective health care;
		(13)  design, implement, and monitor health benefit 
plan features intended to discourage excessive utilization, 
promote efficiency, and contain costs;
		(14)  develop and refine, on an ongoing basis, a health 
benefit strategy consistent with evolving benefit delivery 
		(15)  develop a funding strategy that efficiently uses 
employer contributions to achieve the purposes of this chapter and 
that is reasonable and ensures participants a fair choice among 
health benefit plans as provided by Section 1551.302; [and]
		(16)  appoint an advisory committee for the group 
benefits program under the terms provided by Section 815.509, 
Government Code; and
		(17)  design, implement, and monitor, as a benefit 
under the group benefits program, the health savings account 
program established and operated under Subchapter J.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.201, Insurance Code, is amended 
by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
	(d)  The board of trustees must give individuals 
participating in the group benefits program the option of choosing 
a high deductible health plan to be used in conjunction with a 
health savings account established under Subchapter J.  For 
purposes of this subsection, "high deductible health plan" has the 
meaning assigned by Section 1551.451.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.301, Insurance Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	Sec. 1551.301.  FUNDING OF BASIC COVERAGE.  The board of 
trustees shall use the amount appropriated for employer 
contributions in the manner provided by this subchapter to fund, as 
applicable, the basic coverage or participation in the health 
savings account program under Subchapter J.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.303, Insurance Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	Sec. 1551.303.  FUNDING OF OPTIONAL COVERAGES.  The board of 
trustees may allocate any employer contributions remaining after 
the basic coverage or participation in the health savings account 
program under Subchapter J has been funded to fund optional 
coverages in any manner the board determines is appropriate.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.305, Insurance Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
basic coverage for an individual eligible to participate in the 
group benefits program under Section 1551.101 or 1551.102 or the 
cost of participation in the health savings account program under 
Subchapter J exceeds the amount of employer contributions allocated 
to fund the basic coverage or participation in the health savings 
account program, the state shall deduct from or reduce the monthly 
compensation of the participant or deduct from the retirement 
benefits of the participant, as applicable, an amount sufficient to 
pay the cost of the basic coverage or participation in the health 
savings account program.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.306, Insurance Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
COVERAGE CONTRIBUTION].  (a)  The board of trustees shall apply the 
amount of any employer contribution for optional coverages to the 
excess of:
		(1)  the cost of the basic and optional coverages for 
which an individual eligible to participate in the group benefits 
program under Section 1551.101 or 1551.102 applies over the basic 
coverage contribution; or
		(2)  the cost of participation in the health savings 
account program under Subchapter J and optional coverages that a 
participant selects over the amount of the state contribution under 
Section 1551.461.
	(b)  Except as provided by Section 1551.309, if a participant 
applies for basic and optional coverages or participation in the 
health savings account program under Subchapter J and optional 
coverages for which the cost exceeds the employer contributions for 
those coverages or participation under this chapter, the 
participant shall authorize in a form and manner satisfactory to 
the board of trustees a deduction from the participant's monthly 
compensation or monthly annuity equal to the difference between:
		(1)  the cost of basic and optional coverages, or, as 
applicable, participation in the health savings account program 
under Subchapter J and optional coverages, for which the 
participant applies; and
		(2)  the employer contributions for basic and optional 
coverages, or, as applicable, participation in the health savings 
account program under Subchapter J and optional coverages.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.310, Insurance Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	Sec. 1551.310.  STATE CONTRIBUTION REQUIRED.  The state 
shall contribute to the cost of each participant's group coverages 
or participation in the health savings account program under 
Subchapter J, including dependents' group coverages and dependents' 
participation in the health savings account program under 
Subchapter J, the amounts appropriated for the coverages or 
participation in the General Appropriations Act.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.311(a), Insurance Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  Not later than November 1 preceding each regular session 
of the legislature, the board of trustees shall certify to the 
Legislative Budget Board and the budget division of the governor's 
office for information and review the amount necessary to pay the 
contributions of the state to the board for participation in the 
health savings account program under Subchapter J or for the 
coverages provided under this chapter during the following 
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.314, Insurance Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
state contribution may not be made for participation in the health 
savings account program under Subchapter J or for coverages under 
this chapter selected by an individual who receives a state 
contribution, other than as a spouse, dependent, or beneficiary, 
for coverages under a group benefits program provided by an 
institution of higher education, as defined by Section 61.003, 
Education Code.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.315(a), Insurance Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  The governing board of each state agency participating 
in the group benefits program shall pay to the board of trustees an 
amount equal to the amount appropriated by the legislature for each 
employee's individual group coverages or participation in the 
health savings account program under Subchapter J or dependents' 
group coverages or participation in the health savings account 
program under Subchapter J for the agency's employees who are, and 
annuitants who were, compensated from funds not appropriated in the 
General Appropriations Act, as applicable.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.318(a), Insurance Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  The board of trustees shall certify to the governing 
board of each state agency participating in the group benefits 
program that provides contributions for its employees' group 
coverages or participation in the health savings account program 
under Subchapter J and dependents' group coverages or participation 
in the health savings account program under Subchapter J from 
operating budgets provided from sources other than the General 
Appropriations Act the proportionate amounts required to pay its 
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.319(a), Insurance Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  A full-time employee receives the benefits of a full 
state contribution for coverage under this chapter or participation 
in the health savings account program under Subchapter J.
	SECTION ___.  Section 1551.401(d), Insurance Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(d)  The fund is available:                                                    
		(1)  without fiscal year limitation for all payments 
for any coverages and benefits provided for under this chapter, 
including the health savings account program under Subchapter J; 
		(2)  for payment of expenses of administering this 
chapter within the limitations that may be specified annually by 
the legislature.
	SECTION ___.  Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, is amended by 
adding Subchapter J to read as follows:
Sec. 1551.451. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "High deductible health plan" means a health benefit plan that complies with Section 223(c), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and its subsequent amendments, and other federal law. (2) "Participant" means an individual who is: (A) eligible to participate in the group benefits program; and (B) enrolled in the program established under this subchapter. (3) "Program" means the state health savings account program established under this subchapter and includes a health savings account and a high deductible health plan. (4) "Qualified medical expense" means an expense paid by a participant for medical care, as defined by Section 213(d), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and its subsequent amendments, for the participant or the participant's dependents as defined by Section 152, Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and its subsequent amendments. Sec. 1551.452. ESTABLISHMENT OF STATE HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT PROGRAM. (a) The state health savings account program is established for the benefit of individuals eligible to participate in the group benefits program and those individuals' eligible dependents. (b) After final rules, plans, and procedures are adopted by the board of trustees and qualified by the Internal Revenue Service under Section 1551.453, the board of trustees shall: (1) administer, or solicit bids for the administration of, health savings accounts under this subchapter; (2) fund or purchase at least one high deductible health plan in accordance with Sections 1551.208-1551.216; and (3) provide information to individuals eligible to participate in the group benefits program regarding the option to participate in and operation of health savings accounts and high deductible health plans established under this subchapter. (c) The board of trustees shall adopt rules, plans, and procedures as necessary to administer this subchapter. Sec. 1551.453. QUALIFICATION OF HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. The board of trustees shall request in writing a ruling or opinion from the Internal Revenue Service as to whether the program established under this subchapter and the rules adopted under this subchapter qualify the health savings accounts established under this subchapter for federal tax treatment as health savings accounts under Section 223(e), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and its subsequent amendments, and any other appropriate federal tax exemptions. Based on the response of the Internal Revenue Service, the board of trustees shall: (1) modify the rules, plans, and procedures adopted under Section 1551.452 as necessary to ensure the qualification of health savings accounts established under this subchapter for appropriate federal tax exemptions; and (2) certify the information regarding federal tax qualifications to the comptroller. Sec. 1551.454. ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATOR. (a) The account administrator of a health savings account established under this subchapter must be a person: (1) qualified to serve as trustee under Section 223(d)(1)(B), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and its subsequent amendments, and the rules adopted under that section; and (2) experienced in administering health savings accounts or other similar trust accounts. (b) The account administrator is the fiduciary of a participant who has a health savings account established under this subchapter. (c) Section 1551.056(b) does not apply to the account administrator. Sec. 1551.455. REQUIRED PARTICIPATION. Each state agency, including an institution of higher education, shall make participation in the program as provided by this subchapter available to employees and inform employees of an employee's option to participate in the program. Sec. 1551.456. PROVISION OF COVERAGE. The program shall provide, through a high deductible health plan, health benefit plan coverage to a participant and, as provided by this chapter, to that participant's dependents. Sec. 1551.457. HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLANS. The program must include a high deductible health plan. Sec. 1551.458. PARTICIPATION IN PROGRAM. (a) Each individual eligible to participate in the group benefits program may participate in the program if the participant is an eligible individual under Section 223(c)(1), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and its subsequent amendments. A participant in the program waives basic plan coverage and must be enrolled in a high deductible health plan. (b) Participation in the program qualifies a participant to receive a contribution to a health savings account under Section 1551.461. An individual who elects not to participate in the program is not eligible to receive a contribution under Section 1551.461. (c) An individual who elects to participate in the program is subject to Subchapter H in the same manner as an individual who participates in a group coverage plan offered under the group benefits program. (d) Under this section, the board of trustees has exclusive authority to determine an individual's eligibility to participate in the program and shall adopt rules, plans, and procedures regarding eligibility to participate in the program. Sec. 1551.459. COVERAGE FOR DEPENDENTS; REQUIRED CONTRIBUTIONS. (a) Subject to Subsection (d), a participant is entitled to obtain for the participant's dependents coverage in the high deductible health plan selected by the participant in the manner determined by the board of trustees. (b) The participant shall make any required additional contribution payments for the dependent coverage in the manner prescribed by the board of trustees. (c) Amounts contributed by a participant under this section may be: (1) used to pay the cost of coverage in the high deductible health plan not paid by the state under Section 1551.461(b)(1); or (2) contributed to the health savings account provided to the participant. (d) A participant's dependent who is covered by a high deductible health plan selected by the participant: (1) is subject to Subchapter H in the same manner as a dependent who is covered by a group coverage plan offered under the group benefits program; and (2) must be a dependent for purposes of: (A) Section 152, Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and its subsequent amendments; and (B) Section 1551.004. Sec. 1551.460. IDENTIFICATION CARDS FOR PARTICIPANTS. (a) The board of trustees or the account administrator, as applicable, shall issue to each participant an identification card. (b) The board of trustees or the account administrator, as applicable, shall issue a duplicate identification card to each participant's dependent for whom qualified medical expenses may be paid out of a health savings account established under the program. Sec. 1551.461. STATE CONTRIBUTION. (a) For each participant, the state shall annually contribute: (1) to a high deductible health plan in which the participant is enrolled, the same percentage of the cost of coverage under the high deductible health plan as the state annually contributes for a full-time or part-time employee covered by the basic coverage plan; and (2) to the participant's health savings account, an amount determined by the board of trustees under Section 1551.462. (b) For each participant's dependent covered by a high deductible health plan under Section 1551.459, the state shall annually contribute: (1) to a high deductible health plan in which the dependent is enrolled, the same percentage of the cost of coverage under the high deductible health plan as the state annually contributes for dependent coverage in the basic coverage plan; and (2) to the participant's health savings account, as allowed under federal law, the amount determined by the board of trustees under Section 1551.462. (c) For a calendar year, the amount of state contributions under Subsections (a)(2) and (b)(2), in the aggregate, may not exceed the sum of the monthly limitations imposed by federal law for health savings accounts. Sec. 1551.462. DETERMINATION OF STATE CONTRIBUTION TO HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT. (a) The board of trustees by rule shall determine the amount of the state contribution to: (1) a participant's health savings account under Section 1551.461(a)(2); and (2) a participant's health savings account under Section 1551.461(b)(2). (b) Subject to Section 1551.461(c), the amount of the state contribution under Section 1551.461(a)(2) must be an amount equal to or greater than 50 percent of the difference between the cost of coverage for a full-time or part-time employee covered by the basic coverage plan and a participant covered under the high deductible health plan. (c) Subject to Section 1551.461(c), the amount of the state contribution under Section 1551.461(b)(2) must be an amount equal to or greater than 50 percent of the difference between the cost of dependent coverage under the basic coverage plan and dependent coverage under the high deductible health plan. (d) The board of trustees shall establish state contributions under Subsection (a) in amounts that encourage participation in the program while, at the same time, maximize the use of state resources. Sec. 1551.463. PARTICIPANT CONTRIBUTIONS. (a) Each participant, in accordance with Section 1551.305, shall contribute any amount required to cover the selected participation in the high deductible health plan that exceeds the state contribution amount under Section 1551.461. (b) A participant may contribute any amount allowed under federal law to the participant's health savings account. A participant may make a contribution under this section in addition to receiving the state contribution under Section 1551.461. (c) A participant shall make contributions under this section in the manner prescribed by the board of trustees. Sec. 1551.464. COORDINATION WITH CAFETERIA PLAN. (a) The board of trustees has exclusive authority to determine the eligibility of a participant in the program established under this subchapter to participate in any medical flexible savings account that is part of a cafeteria plan offered under this chapter. (b) The board of trustees shall adopt rules, plans, and procedures regarding: (1) the eligibility of a participant in the program established under this subchapter to participate in any medical flexible savings account that is part of a cafeteria plan offered under this chapter; and (2) the coordination of benefits provided under this subchapter and any medical flexible savings account that is part of a cafeteria plan offered under this chapter. (c) The rules adopted by the board of trustees under Subsection (b) must prohibit a participant in the program established under this chapter from participating in any medical flexible savings account that would disqualify the participant's health savings account from favorable tax treatment under federal law. Sec. 1551.465. CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS. To the extent allowed under federal law and subject to Section 1551.063, the board of trustees or the program administrator, as applicable, may disclose to a carrier information in an individual's records that the board of trustees determines is necessary to administer the program. Sec. 1551.466. ASSISTANCE. In implementing and administering this subchapter, the board of trustees may obtain the assistance of any state agency the board of trustees considers appropriate. SECTION ___. (a) During the initial implementation of Subchapter J, Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, and notwithstanding other requirements set forth in Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, an advisory council shall be created for the purpose of overseeing the design of the state health savings account program consisting of seven members, including a nonvoting ex officio member, being the executive director of the Employees Retirement System of Texas. (b) The governor of Texas shall designate a chair to the advisory council in conjunction with appointing three members: a representative from the public sector, a representative from the private sector, and an actuary, preferably having experience in the area of health savings accounts; the lieutenant governor of Texas shall appoint two members from the Texas Senate; and the speaker of the Texas House of Representatives shall appoint two members from the Texas House of Representatives. SECTION ___. The Employees Retirement System of Texas shall develop the health savings account program to be implemented under Subchapter J, Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, beginning September 1, 2005, and shall develop enrollment requirements for the program during 2005-2006, with coverage beginning, subject to the Internal Revenue Service qualifying the health savings account program under Section 1551.453, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, September 1, 2006. SECTION ___. Not later than July 31, 2006, and subject to the Internal Revenue Service qualifying the health savings account program under Section 1551.453, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, the Employees Retirement System of Texas shall provide written information to individuals eligible to participate in the state health savings account program under Subchapter J, Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, that provides a general description of the requirements for such a program as adopted under Subchapter J, Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, as amended by this Act. SECTION ___. During the initial implementation of Subchapter J, Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, and notwithstanding any bidding requirements or other requirements set forth in Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, as that chapter existed before amendment by this Act, the Employees Retirement System of Texas may amend any agreement in effect on September 1, 2006, that it has entered into as necessary to comply with Subchapter J, Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, as amended by this Act. SECTION ___. The Employees Retirement System of Texas shall develop and implement the health savings account program under Subchapter J, Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, as amended by this Act, in a manner that is as revenue neutral as is possible.