Amend CSSB 1273 (House committee printing) as follows:                       

(1)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, in added Section 183.056(c), 	Natural Resources Code (page 4, line 25), strike "fund" and 
substitute "qualified easement holder".
	(2)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, at the end of added Section 
183.056(c), Natural Resources Code (page 4, line 27), add:

The qualified easement holder shall pay to the fund any amounts 
received under this subsection, not to exceed the amount paid by the 
fund for the purchase of the easement.
	(3)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, strike added Section 
183.057(d), Natural Resources Code (page 6, lines 2-11), and 
	(d)  If, after making the determination required by 
Subsection (a), a department or agency of this state, a county, a 
municipality, another political subdivision, or a public utility 
acquires by eminent domain a fee simple interest in land encumbered 
by an agricultural conservation easement purchased under this 
		(1)  the easement on the condemned property terminates; 
		(2)  the entity exercising the power of eminent domain 
			(A)  pay for an appraisal of the fair market 
value, as that term is defined by Section 183.056, of the property 
subject to condemnation;
			(B)  pay to the qualified easement holder an 
amount equal to the amount paid by the holder for the portion of the 
easement affecting the property to be condemned;
			(C)  pay to the landowner an amount equal to the 
fair market value of the condemned property less the amount paid to 
the qualified easement holder under Paragraph (B); and
			(D)  pay to the landowner and the qualified 
easement holder any additional damages to their interests in the 
remaining property, as determined by the special commissioners 
under Section 21.042, Property Code.
	(e)  If, after making the determination required by 
Subsection (a), a department or agency of this state, a county, a 
municipality, another political subdivision, or a public utility 
acquires by eminent domain an interest other than a fee simple 
interest in land encumbered by an agricultural conservation 
easement purchased under this subchapter:
		(1)  the entity exercising the power of eminent domain 
shall pay for an appraisal of the fair market value, as that term is 
defined by Section 183.056, of the property subject to 
condemnation; and
		(2)  the special commissioners shall consider the fair 
market value as the value of the property for purposes of assessing 
damages under Section 21.042, Property Code.
	(f)  The qualified easement holder shall pay to the fund any 
amounts received under Subsections (d) and (e), not to exceed the 
amount paid by the fund for the purchase of the easement.
	(4)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, strike added Section 
183.061(a)(2), Natural Resources Code (page 10, lines 22-27), and 
		(2)  three ex officio members as follows:                              
			(A)  the commissioner;                                                
			(B)  the presiding officer of the Parks and 
Wildlife Commission or the presiding officer's designee; and
			(C)  the state conservationist of the Natural 
Resource Conservation Service of the United States Department of 
Agriculture or a designee of that person, who serves as a nonvoting 
	(5)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, in added Section 183.061(d), 
Natural Resources Code, between "designate" and "an" (page 11, line 
8), insert "from among the members of the council".
	(6)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, strike added Section 183.064, 
Natural Resources Code (page 15, lines 3-7), and substitute:
Not later than the 10th day after the date of a closing of a purchase 
of an easement under this subchapter, the land office shall provide 
the Texas Department of Transportation a legal description of the 
property subject to the easement and shall include with the 
description the date the closing occurred.