Amend SB 1570 (House committee report) by striking SECTION 1 
of the bill (page 1, line 4, through page 2, line 15) and 
substituting a new SECTION 1 to read as follows:
	SECTION 1.  Section 111.064, Tax Code, is amended by 
amending Subsections (a), (c), and (f) and adding Subsection (c-1) 
to read as follows:
	(a)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, for a 
refund under this chapter [Subsections (b) and (c), in a 
comptroller's final decision on a claim for refund or in an audit], 
interest is at the rate that is the lesser of the annual rate of 
interest earned on deposits in the state treasury during December 
of the previous calendar year, as determined by the comptroller, or 
the rate set in Section 111.060, and accrues on the amount found to 
be erroneously paid for a period:
		(1)  beginning on the later of 60 days after the date of 
payment or the due date of the tax report; and
		(2)  ending on, as determined by the comptroller, 
either the date of allowance of credit on account of the 
comptroller's final decision or audit or a date not more than 10 
days before the date of the refund warrant.
	(c)  For a refund claimed before September 1, 2005, and 
granted for a report period due on or after January 1, 2000, the 
rate of interest is the rate set in Section 111.060 [granted for a 
report period due on or after January 1, 2000, the rate of interest 
is the rate set in Section 111.060].
	(c-1)  A refund, without regard to the date claimed, for a 
report period due before January 1, 2000, does not accrue interest.
	(f)  A local revenue fund is not subject to Subsections 
(a)-(c-1) [(a)-(c)].  In this subsection, "local revenue fund" 
includes a court cost, a fee, a fine, or a similar charge collected 
by a municipality, a county, or a court of this state and remitted 
to the comptroller.