Amend SB 1858 (committee printing) in Section 2 of the bill as 
	(1)  Strike the introductory language to Section 2 of the 
bill (page 1, lines 16 and 17), and substitute the following:
	SECTION 2.  Section 26.177, Water Code, is amended by 
amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (f), and (g) and adding 
Subsection (i) to read as follows:
	(2)  In amended Section 26.177(a), Water Code (page 1, lines 
18 and 19), strike "Notwithstanding any other law, a local 
government [A city]" and substitute "A local government [city]".
	(3)  In amended Section 26.177(a), Water Code (page 1, line 
22), strike "only".
	(4)  In amended Section 26.177(a), Water Code (page 1, line 
23), before "commission", insert "minimum".
	(5)  In amended Section 26.177(a), Water Code (page 1, lines 
24 through 26), strike "rules.  A local government does not have 
independent authority to regulate water quality, issue permits, or 
establish standards or practices for water quality [city]" and 
substitute "rules [city]".
	(6)  In amended Section 26.177(b), Water Code (page 1, lines 
47 and 48), strike "that are not located within a county that has 
adopted a water pollution control and abatement program and that
[which]" and substitute "which".
	(7)  In amended Section 26.177(b), Water Code (page 1, line 
51), between "jurisdiction" and the period, insert ", unless those 
areas are also located in a county that has adopted a water 
pollution control and abatement program, in which case the more 
stringent water pollution control and abatement program prevails".
	(8)  In amended Section 26.177(b), Water Code (page 1, lines 
55 through 58), strike "that portion of the city's extraterritorial 
jurisdiction automatically shall be removed from the city's program 
and shall be subject only to the county's water pollution control 
and abatement program" and substitute "the more stringent water 
pollution control and abatement program prevails".
	(9)  In amended Section 26.177(b), Water Code (page 1, line 
61), between "with" and "pollution", insert "minimum".
	(10)  In amended Section 26.177(b)(5), Water Code (page 2, 
line 20), between "with" and "state", insert "minimum".
	(11)  In amended Section 26.177(c), Water Code (page 2, line 
30), between "approval" and the period, insert "to ensure 
compliance with minimum standards set by the commission".
	(12)  In amended Section 26.177(c), Water Code (page 2, line 
31), between "program" and "is not effective", insert "that is in 
effect before June 1, 2005, is effective and may be enforced 
pending commission review and approval under this subsection.  A 
water pollution control and abatement program adopted on or after 
June 1, 2005,".
	(13)  In amended Section 26.177, Water Code (page 2, between 
lines 64 and 65), insert the following:
	(i)  This section may not be construed to prevent a local 
government from establishing a water pollution control and 
abatement program that is more stringent than minimum state water 
quality standards and practices or other pollution and degradation 
standards and practices adopted by the commission.  The commission, 
when reviewing and approving local government plans under this 
section, must review and consider for approval, modification, or 
denial a plan that at least meets minimum standards adopted by the 
commission.  It is the policy of this state that different areas of 
this state have unique environmental and geological features, and 
the commission should recognize the needs of unique areas by 
establishing separate sets of rules under this section for unique 
areas, including the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone.