Amend CSSB 1860 in SECTION 1 of the bill by adding the 
following appropriately numbered section to Subchapter E of added 
Chapter 3842, Special District Local Laws Code:
Unless continued in existence by the adoption of a resolution by the 
governing body of the municipality where the district is located, 
the district is dissolved September 1, 2011.
	(b)  If the district is dissolved under this section, the 
district shall remain in existence until all debts are paid and the 
remaining assets are transferred to the municipality where the 
district is located.  The dissolution is effective when all assets 
have been transferred and all debts have been discharged.
	(c)  The governing body of the municipality where the 
district is located may adopt a resolution continuing the district 
only if the governing body finds that:
		(1)  the district continues to serve a public use and 
benefit; and   
		(2)  land and other property included in the district 
will continue to benefit from the improvements and services 
provided by the district.
	(d)  The governing body of the municipality shall specify in 
the resolution continuing the district a date on which the district 
will be dissolved.  The governing body may not specify a date that 
occurs later than the sixth anniversary of the date of the 
resolution.  The district is dissolved on the date specified in the 
resolution unless the governing body adopts a subsequent resolution 
extending the existence of the district under the procedures 
described by this section.
	(e)  Not later than the 30th day after the date a resolution 
is adopted under this section, the governing body of the 
municipality shall file a copy of the resolution continuing the 
district with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.