Amend CSSB 1863 (House Committee Printing) as follows: (1) In SECTION 12.02 of ARTICLE 12 of the bill, in proposed Subsection (b), Section 161.653, Health and Safety Code (page 84, lines 7 and 8), strike ", including a common carrier or commercial delivery service,". (2) In SECTION 12.02 of ARTICLE 12 of the bill, at the end of proposed Subsection (b), Section 161.653, Health and Safety Code (page 84, line 12), insert the following "This subsection does not apply to a common carrier or commercial delivery service that in the ordinary course of business does not use bills of lading or other shipping documents to identify the contents of packages transported by the carrier or commercial delivery service." (3) In SECTION 12.02 of ARTICLE 12 of the bill, in proposed Subsection (a), Section 161.656, Health and Safety Code (page 85, line 22), between "may not" and "make any", insert ", with the specific purpose of intentionally assisting in the violation of this subchapter,". (4) In SECTION 12.02 of ARTICLE 12 of the bill, in proposed Subsection (a), Section 161.656, Health and Safety Code (page 85, line 23), strike "unless" and substitute ". A person who is a common carrier or commercial delivery service and who receives a list maintained under Section 161.655 may make deliveries in this state on behalf of a person who is identified in the list if". (5) In SECTION 12.02 of ARTICLE 12 of the bill, strike proposed Subdivision (3), Subsection (b), Section 161.656, Health and Safety Code (page 86, line 24 through page 87, line 4), and substitute the following: (3) is not subject to criminal penalties for a violation of this subchapter unless the person intentionally violates this subchapter for the specific purpose of assisting a person engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, or selling cigarettes or tobacco products to violate this subchapter; and