Amend Floor Amendment No. 14 by Madden to CSSB 1863 (House 
committee printing) as follows:
	(2)  In the unnumbered SECTION of the amendment that adds 
Subsection (b), Section 493.0101, Government Code (page 1, lines 
11-16), strike added Subsection (b) and substitute the following:
	(b)  A performance contractor contracting with the department 
under this section shall:
		(1)  ensure that the installation work described by 
Subsection (a) is performed by a person licensed as a plumber under 
Chapter 1301, Occupations Code, who complies with all plumbing 
codes described by that chapter; and
		(2)  demonstrate that the electronic water conservation 
systems used will yield annual water consumption and maintenance 
cost savings.
	(4)  In the unnumbered SECTION of the amendment that adds 
Subsection (d), Section 493.0101, Government Code (page 1, lines 22 
and 23), strike "in every correctional facility" and substitute "in 
a number of facilities as considered appropriate by the 
	(5)  In the unnumbered SECTION of the amendment that adds 
Subsection (e), Section 493.0101, Government Code (page 2, line 4), 
between "verified" and the period, insert "by the Texas Water 
Development Board".