Amend CSSB 1892 as follows:                                                  

(1)  In Section 1 of the bill, in added Section 3833.003(b), 	Special District Local Laws Code (page 2, line 8), strike "body's 
consent may be conditional, as" and substitute "body may condition 
its consent on any terms".
	(2)  In Section 1 of the bill, in added Section 
3833.021(b)(1), Special District Local Laws Code (page 5, line 5), 
strike "initial".
	(3)  In Section 1 of the bill, in added Subchapter B, Chapter 
3833, Special District Local Laws Code (page 8, between lines 13 and 
14), insert a new Section 3833.0601 as follows:
	Sec. 3833.0601.  REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.  (a)  After each 
board meeting, and at least once per month, the board shall provide 
a written status report to each state senator and state 
representative who represents a portion of the district.
	(b)  The report must include a copy of the board minutes, 
provide information on the progress of development in the district, 
and include information on district finances, obstacles to 
progress, successes, and all other important matters.
	(c)  This section expires January 1, 2007.                              
	(4)  In Section 1 of the bill, in added Section 
3833.151(b)(12), Special District Local Laws Code (page 11, line 
14), strike "City Public Service" and substitute "CPS Energy".
	(5)  In Section 1 of the bill, in added Section 3833.151(c), 
Special District Local Laws Code (page 11, line 16), strike 
"(b)(4)-(12)" and substitute "(b)(4)-(11)".
	(6)  In Section 1 of the bill, in added Subchapter H, Chapter 
3833, Special District Local Laws Code (page 20, between lines 18 
and 19), insert a new Section 3833.359 as follows:
	Sec. 3833.359.  PLEDGES.  (a)  The district may pledge to the 
payment of the principal or interest or any other amounts due under 
district bonds all or any part of:
		(1)  district taxes;                                                   
		(2)  revenue from a public improvement financed under 
this chapter, except as provided by Subsection (c); or
		(3)  money from grants, donations, or other income or 
funds received or to be received from any public or private entity.
	(b)  The district shall set and collect the pledged funds in 
amounts that are at least sufficient, with any other pledged 
resources, to provide for all payments of principal, interest, and 
any other amounts due or required in connection with the bonds and, 
to the extent required by the order or resolution authorizing the 
issuance of the bonds, to provide for the payment of expenses in 
connection with the bonds and to pay operation, maintenance, and 
other expenses in connection with the public improvements 
undertaken by the district.
	(c)  The district may not encumber, or pledge revenue under 
this section from, a public improvement that the district may be 
required to transfer under Section 3833.151.
	(7)  In Section 1 of the bill, in added Chapter 3833, Special 
District Local Laws Code, between Subchapters H and I (page 20, line 
19), strike "3833.359-3833.400 reserved for expansion" and 
substitute "3833.360-3833.400 reserved for expansion".