H.B. 341

                                                                                                                                         By: Seaman


                                                                                                       Committee Report (Unamended)






In 1995, the 74th Legislature passed S.B. 3 pertaining to the transportation of household goods.  Section 643.051 of the Transportation Code requires all household goods carriers to register their operations with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).  This registration process must be renewed either annually or biannually.  While all household goods carriers are transporters of goods over the highways of this state, only those household goods carriers operating commercial vehicles are required to maintain proof of liability insurance with the department.


As part of TxDOT’s registration process, all household goods carriers regardless of the size of vehicle they operate are required to file proof of cargo loss and damage coverage with the department.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. 





SECTION 1: Current law requires motor carriers operating commercial vehicles to maintain and file proof of liability insurance with TxDOT.  However, it does not require household goods carriers operating vehicles throughout the state to file proof of liability insurance.  This is due to the fact that these vehicles are classified as non-commercial vehicles and therefore are not subject to the code.  H.B. 341 amends the code by adding subsection (b) to Sec. 643.051 of the Transportation Code which will require that all household goods carriers file proof of liability insurance with the department.  This bill protects consumers by ensuring an equal standard for all vehicles carrying household good items.




September 1, 2005.