H.B. 1116

                                                                                                                                      By: Solomons

                                                                                                                                       State Affairs

                                                                                                       Committee Report (Unamended)






State agencies undergo periodic review by the Sunset Advisory Commission (Commission).  Sometimes it is necessary to change the review schedule for certain agencies in order to balance the workload of the Commission, to better align the reviews of agencies by grouping them based on subject matter, and in some cases, to serve as a safety net in the event an agency sunset bill is in danger of not passing.  H.B. 1116 moves the reviews of four agencies so that these agencies may be reviewed with similar agencies.  It moves one agency's sunset review date to be the same as the agency that provided administrative support when that agency first began operations.  H.B. 1116 also removes three non-functioning agencies and two legislative committees from sunset review.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. 




Changes the sunset date for the Texas Military Preparedness Commission from 2007 to 2009, with other military-related agencies.


Changes the sunset date for the Texas Cancer Council, Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities and Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities from 2011 to 2009, with related health and human services agencies.


Changes the sunset date for the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists from 2013 to 2015, to be reviewed with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.


Removes the Criminal Justice Policy Council, Texas Incentive and Productivity Commission and State Aircraft Pooling Board from sunset review as these are non-functioning agencies.


Removes two legislative committees, the Property and Casualty Insurance Legislative Oversight Committee and the Electric Utility Restructuring Legislative Oversight Committee, from sunset review.




September 1, 2005