By: Brown, Fred
Committee Report (Substituted)
Current law allows Texas college students to take an excess of 45 credit hours above their degree program before the institution may charge a higher tuition rate. In addition, the state continues to contribute funding for students enrolled in an institution of higher education up to the 45 credit hour limit. This 45 credit hour limit represents substantial costs to the State of Texas and contributes to the length of time in which the student graduates.
CSHB 1172 provides that institutions of higher education may charge students a higher tuition rate for any credit hours that are equal to or greater than 115 percent of the required degree program hours. In addition, the state will not contribute funding for students who exceed 115 percent of their degree program requirements. The intention of CSHB 1172 is to save the state money and decrease the length of time in which it takes a student to graduate.
The Legislative Budget Board reports that changing the provision for excess credits from allowing an excess of up to 45 credit hours to a limit of 115 percent of the students degree program will save Texas approximately $50 million in General Revenue Funds for the 2011-2012 biennium.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.
SECTION 1. Allows schools to charge certain students a higher tuition rate if they exceed the limit of 115 percent of the minimum credit hours required for the completion of the degree program; including minors, double majors, and the completion of any certificate or other special program. Deletes the current limit of 45 semester credit hours over the minimum credit hours necessary to complete the degree program. Only students who initially enroll on or after the fall semester of 2006 will be charged a higher tuition rate based on credit hours that equal or exceed 115% of the student's degree program.
SECTION 2. States that the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board may not fund any excess credit hours over 115 percent of the minimum credit hours required for the completion of the degree program; including minors, double majors, and for the completion of any certificate or other special program. Deletes the current limit of 45 semester credit hours over the minimum credit hours necessary to complete the degree program. The board will apply the limit of 115 percent of the student's degree program beginning with students who initially enrolled on or after the fall of 2006.
SECTION 3. The change in law made by this Act applies beginning with the 2005 fall semester.
SECTION 4. Effective date.
This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.
The substitute adds conforming language to include provisions for minors and double majors, certificated or special programs, and study-abroad programs.