Senate Research Center H.B. 2179
79R6789 JMM-F By: Cook, Byron (Wentworth)
The practice of professional surveying is regulated by the professional Land Surveying Practices Act, Chapter 1071, Occupations Code. The Act defines "professional surveying" as the practice of land, boundary, or property surveying or other similar professional practices. Additionally, Section 1071.002(6) identifies specific activities, such as mapping and providing expert testimony, which are included in the definition of professional surveying.
Surveyors routinely acquire survey data and prepare technical reports in connection with the other surveying activities. However, the acquisition of survey data and the preparation of technical reports are not specifically identified as the practice of professional surveying in the Act. As a result, it is unclear whether the Texas Board of Professional Land and Surveying has the authority to regulate the acquisition of survey data and the preparation of technical reports when performed by a registered professional land surveyor in connection with property surveying or other similar professional practices.
H.B. 2179 amends the Act to clarify that the practice of "professional surveying" includes the acquisition of survey data and the preparation of technical reports when performed in connection with other regulated Act. H.B. 2179 permits the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying to regulate activities as necessary in order to protect the public.
SECTION 1. Amends Section 1071.002(6), Occupations Code, to redefine "professional surveying," to include work acquiring survey data and preparing technical reports in connection with acts described by this subdivision, rather than Paragraph (A).
SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2005.