H.B. 2453

                                                                                                                                          By: Casteel


                                                                                                       Committee Report (Unamended)






During the 72nd Regular Session, the Texas Legislature passed SB 518 and created the Specific Information Logo Sign Program. This program allows commercial establishments that provide food, gas, camping, or lodging services that are located within three miles of the interstate highways to have signs displayed near the interchange.  In May of 2004, after federal legislation had passed, the Federal Highway Administration published an interim rule that amended the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to permit the use of specific service signing to assist motorists in locating licensed 24-hour pharmacy services open to the public.  This change to the MUTCD became effective in July 2004, and the regulation for addition of 24-hour pharmacies became effective January 3, 2005. For pharmacies to qualify, they must have a pharmacist on premises at all times and be within three miles of the interstate highway.  In order to add this new category to the Specific Information Logo Sign Program, legislation amending the Texas Transportation Code is required. 


HB 2453 adds a new category to the existing Texas Department of Transportation program.  In case of emergency, Texas motorists would be able to locate pharmacy services at any hour of the day.  This legislation would be at no cost to the state as the eligible commercial establishments are required to pay for all design, installation, and sign manufacturing of this program.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. 




SECTION 1.  Amends Section 391.093, Transportation Code by amending subsection (a) to add the words "or pharmacy services."  Additionally, it adds subsection (h) which states that an establishment that provides pharmacy services must operate continuously for 24 hours each day and provide pharmacy services for 24 hours each day.


SECTION 2.  September 1, 2005.




September 1, 2005.