By: Krusee
Committee Report (Substituted)
In 2001, the legislature authorized the establishment of Regional Mobility Authorities (RMAs). An RMA is approved by the Texas Transportation Commission and is formed by one or more counties in order to building and maintaining transportation projects in a specified region. CSHB 2655 adds language which would clarify current issues surrounding Chapter 370,
Transportation Code.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution
Section 1. Amends Section 370.003(14)(F) of the Transportation Code to exclude major passenger airports from the definition of "airport" in this chapter.
Section 2. Amends Section 370.177 (i) Transportation Code, by adding language to make it more implicit that automated enforcement technology is permissible.
Section 3. Amends Section 370.178, Transportation Code, to add Subsection (d) to clarify that transponder customer account information is confidential and not subject to Chapter 552, Government Code.
Section 4. Amends Section 370.252, Transportation Code, to add Subsection (f) which states that RMA directors under this chapter are subject to Chapter 171 of the Local Government Code, which addresses conflicts of interest.
Section 5. Amends Section 370.262(a) to clarify that telephone meetings may occur in conformance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, but are not subject to Chapter 551 (b), Government Code.
Section 6. Repeals Section 370.163 (b)
Section 7. Governs the effective date.
September 1, 2005.
The substitute adds language in Section 1 which excludes commercial airliners who engage in interstate air transportation from the definition of Transportation Projects under Chapter 370.003 (14). The substitute also adds language in Section 2 which amends Chapter 370.177 (i) conforms it to the automated enforcement technology language that exists in Section 361.256 (a) and (b), Transportation Code. The change in Section 3 provides for confidentiality in regards to customer account information. Section 4 of the substitute subjects RMA directors to the standards in Chapter 171, Local Government Code.