By: Corte
Defense Affairs & State-Federal Relations
Committee Report (Unamended)
Chapter 418, Government Code discusses several aspects of Disaster Preparedness and Response at all levels of Government. The Code also encourages local political subdivisions to work together and form interjurisdictional programs and plans to prepare for and respond to local disasters. The Code also encourages local political jurisdictions to provide and render aid to other subdivisions under mutual aid agreements. While many local political subdivisions use their regional planning commissions to work on these regional issues, these Commissions are not necessarily able to enter into mutual aid agreements with other jurisdictions to render the aid necessary in a multi-jurisdictional disaster.
HB 3116 clarifies that regional planning commissions are proper parties to mutual aid agreements and can render aid to other local jurisdictions.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.
SECTION 1 adds a definition for "Regional Planning Commission" into code, meaning a regional planning commission, council of governments or certain other regional planning agencies created under Chapter 391, Local Government Code.
SECTION 2 clarifies that regional planning commissions may render aid to other political subdivisions or regional planning commissions under mutual aid agreements.
SECTION 3 also allows regional planning commission to provide mutual aid assistance on request to other entities.
Unless the bill receives the necessary votes for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2005.