By: Ellis
Culture, Recreation, & Tourism
Committee Report (Substituted)
Although Texas has natural advantages in history, culture, geography, and climate to attract the healthy, affluent tourist, current law does not maximize federal and private sources of funding for the development of bicycle tourism trails.
C.S.S.B. 602 seeks to maximize federal and private sources of funding for the designation, construction, improvement, maintenance, and signage of bicycle tourism trails and promotion of bicycle tourism. This bill requires a bicycle advisory committee to advise and make recommendations to the Texas Transportation Commission on the development, improvement, and expansion of bicycle tourism trails.
It is the committee's opinion that this resolution does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.
SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter K, Chapter 201, Transportation Code, by adding Section 201.9025, as follows:
Sec. 201.9025. TEXAS BICYCLE TOURISM TRAILS. (a) Requires the Texas Department of Transportation Bicycle Advisory Committee to advise and make recommendations to the Texas Transportation Commission on the development of bicycle tourism trails in this state. Sets forth requirements for recommendations on bicycle tourism trails developed under this section.
(b) Authorizes the department to contract with a statewide bicycle nonprofit organization for assistance in identifying, developing, promoting, or coordinating agreements and participation among political subdivisions of this state to advance bicycle tourism trails.
September 1, 2005
S.B. 602 requires a bicycle advisory committee to advise the Texas Department of Transportation on the development, improvement and expansion of bicycle tourism trails.
C.S.S.B. 602 requires a bicycle advisory committee to advise the Texas Transportation Commission on the development, improvement and expansion of bicycle tourism trails.
S.B. 602 requires the Texas Department of Transportation to establish a bicycle advisory committee, however, the Texas Department of Transportation Bicycle Advisory Committee is already in existence.