79R4569 SLO-D

By:  Luna                                                         H.B. No. 779

relating to bilingual education and special language programs in public schools. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 28.006(j), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (j) No more than 15 percent of the funds certified by the commissioner under Subsection (i) may be spent on indirect costs. The commissioner shall evaluate the programs that fail to meet the standard of performance under Section 39.051(b)(9) [39.051(b)(7)] and may implement sanctions under Subchapter G, Chapter 39. The commissioner may audit the expenditures of funds appropriated for purposes of this section. The use of the funds appropriated for purposes of this section shall be verified as part of the district audit under Section 44.008. SECTION 2. Section 29.056(g), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (g) A district may transfer a student of limited English proficiency out of a bilingual education or special language program for the first time or a subsequent time if the student is able to participate equally in a regular all-English instructional program as determined by: (1) tests administered at the end of each school year to determine the extent to which the student has developed oral and written language proficiency and specific language skills in both the student's primary language and English; (2) satisfactory performance on the reading or English language arts assessment instrument, as applicable, under Section 39.023(a), with the assessment instrument administered in English, or, if the student is enrolled in the first or second grade, an achievement score at or above the 40th percentile in the reading and language arts sections of an English standardized test approved by the agency; and (3) other indications of a student's overall progress, including criterion-referenced test scores, subjective teacher evaluation, and parental evaluation. SECTION 3. Subchapter B, Chapter 29, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 29.0561 to read as follows: Sec. 29.0561. CONSIDERATION; REENROLLMENT. (a) For the first two school years after a student is transferred out of a bilingual education or special language program under Section 29.056(g), the language proficiency assessment committee shall consider: (1) the total amount of time the student has been enrolled in a bilingual education or special language program; (2) the student's grades each grading period in each subject in the foundation curriculum under Section 28.002(a)(1); (3) the student's performance on each assessment instrument required under Section 39.023(a) or (c); (4) the number of credits toward high school graduation the student has earned, as applicable; and (5) any disciplinary actions taken against the student under Subchapter A, Chapter 37. (b) If, during any grading period during the first two school years after a student is transferred out of a bilingual education or special language program under Section 29.056(g), the student earns a failing grade in a subject in the foundation curriculum under Section 28.002(a)(1), the language proficiency assessment committee shall reevaluate the student to determine if the student should reenroll in the bilingual education or special language program. Based on the reevaluation, the committee may arrange for intensive instruction for the student or may reenroll the student in the program. SECTION 4. Subchapter B, Chapter 29, Education Code, is amended by adding Sections 29.065 and 29.066 to read as follows: Sec. 29.065. MEASURE OF PROGRESS TOWARD ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY. The commissioner by rule shall develop a longitudinal measure of progress toward English language proficiency under which a student of limited English proficiency is evaluated from the time the student enters public school until, for two consecutive school years, the child scores at a specific level determined by the commissioner on the reading or English language arts assessment instrument, as applicable, under Section 39.023(a). The commissioner shall: (1) as part of the measure of progress, include student advancement from one proficiency level to a higher level under the reading proficiency in English assessment system developed under Section 39.027(e) and from the highest level under that assessment system to the level determined by the commissioner under this section on the reading or English language arts assessment instrument, as applicable, under Section 39.023(a); and (2) to the extent practicable in developing the measure of progress, use applicable research and analysis done in developing an annual measurable achievement objective as required by Section 3122, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (20 U.S.C. Section 6842). Sec. 29.066. BEST PRACTICES. Based on the measure of progress toward English language proficiency under Section 29.065, the commissioner shall determine which school districts offer the most effective bilingual education and special language programs. Using funds appropriated for that purpose, the commissioner shall determine the practices those districts use that result in student progress toward English language proficiency and distribute information concerning those practices to each school district that provides a bilingual education or special language program. SECTION 5. Section 39.051(b), Education Code, as amended by Chapters 433 and 805, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, is reenacted and amended to read as follows: (b) Performance on the indicators adopted under this section shall be compared to state-established standards. The degree of change from one school year to the next in performance on each indicator adopted under this section shall also be considered. The indicators must be based on information that is disaggregated by race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status and must include: (1) the results of assessment instruments required under Sections 39.023(a), (c), and (l), aggregated by grade level and subject area; (2) dropout rates, including dropout rates and district completion rates for grade levels 9 through 12, computed in accordance with standards and definitions adopted by the National Center for Education Statistics of the United States Department of Education; (3) high school graduation rates, computed in accordance with standards and definitions adopted in compliance with the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Pub. L. No. 107-110); (4) student attendance rates; (5) the percentage of graduating students who attain scores on the secondary exit-level assessment instruments required under Subchapter B that are equivalent to a passing score on the assessment [test] instrument required under Section 51.3062 [51.306]; (6) the percentage of graduating students who meet the course requirements established for the recommended high school program by State Board of Education rule; (7) the measure of progress toward English language proficiency under Section 29.065, for students of limited English proficiency, as defined by Section 29.052; (8) the results of the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), the American College Test (ACT), articulated postsecondary degree programs described by Section 61.852, and certified workforce training programs described by Chapter 311, Labor Code; (9) [(8)] the percentage of students, aggregated by grade level, provided accelerated instruction under Section 28.0211(c), the results of assessments administered under that section, the percentage of students promoted through the grade placement committee process under Section 28.0211, the subject of the assessment instrument on which each student failed to perform satisfactorily, and the performance of those students in the school year following that promotion on the assessment instruments required under Section 39.023; (10) [(9)] for students who have failed to perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument required under Section 39.023(a) or (c), the numerical progress of those students on subsequent assessment instruments required under those sections, aggregated by grade level and subject area; (11) [(10)] the percentage of students exempted, by exemption category, from the assessment program generally applicable under this chapter; [and] (12) [(11)] the percentage of students of limited English proficiency exempted from the administration of an assessment instrument under Sections 39.027(a)(3) and (4); (13) the percentage of students in a special education program under Subchapter A, Chapter 29, assessed through assessment instruments developed or adopted under Section 39.023(b); and (14) dropout rates for students who have dropped out of school after being enrolled at any time in a bilingual education or special language program under Subchapter B, Chapter 29. SECTION 6. Section 39.051(d), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (d) Annually, the commissioner shall define exemplary, recognized, and unacceptable performance for each academic excellence indicator included under Subsections (b)(1) through (8) [(6)] and shall project the standards for each of those levels of performance for succeeding years. For the indicator under Subsection (b)(9) [(b)(7)], the commissioner shall define exemplary, recognized, and unacceptable performance based on student performance for the period covering both the current and preceding academic years. In defining exemplary, recognized, and unacceptable performance for the indicators under Subsections (b)(2) and (4) [(3)], the commissioner may not consider as a dropout or as a student who has failed to attend school a student whose failure to attend school results from: (1) the student's expulsion under Section 37.007; and (2) as applicable: (A) adjudication as having engaged in delinquent conduct or conduct indicating a need for supervision, as defined by Section 51.03, Family Code; or (B) conviction of and sentencing for an offense under the Penal Code. SECTION 7. Section 39.052(b), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) The report card shall include the following information: (1) where applicable, the academic excellence indicators adopted under Sections 39.051(b)(1) through (11) [(9)]; (2) average class size by grade level and subject; (3) the administrative and instructional costs per student, computed in a manner consistent with Section 44.0071; and (4) the district's instructional expenditures ratio and instructional employees ratio computed under Section 44.0071, and the statewide average of those ratios, as determined by the commissioner. SECTION 8. Sections 39.072(b) and (c), Education Code, are amended to read as follows: (b) The academic excellence indicators adopted under Sections 39.051(b)(1) through (9) [(7)] and the district's current special education compliance status with the agency shall be the main considerations of the agency in the rating of the district under this section. Additional criteria in the rules may include consideration of: (1) compliance with statutory requirements and requirements imposed by rule of the State Board of Education under specific statutory authority that relate to: (A) reporting data through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS); (B) the high school graduation requirements under Section 28.025; or (C) an item listed in Sections 7.056(e)(3)(C)-(I) that applies to the district; (2) the effectiveness of the district's programs for special populations; and (3) the effectiveness of the district's career and technology programs. (c) The agency shall evaluate against state standards and shall, not later than August 1 of each year, report the performance of each campus in a district and each open-enrollment charter school on the basis of the campus's performance on the indicators adopted under Sections 39.051(b)(1) through (9) [(7)]. Consideration of the effectiveness of district programs under Subsection (b)(2) or (3) must be based on data collected through the Public Education Information Management System for purposes of accountability under this chapter and include the results of assessments required under Section 39.023. SECTION 9. Sections 39.073(a) and (b), Education Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) The agency shall annually review the performance of each district and campus on the indicators adopted under Sections 39.051(b)(1) through (9) [(7)] and determine if a change in the accreditation status of the district is warranted. The commissioner may determine how all indicators adopted under Section 39.051(b) may be used to determine accountability ratings and to select districts and campuses for acknowledgment. (b) Each annual review shall include an analysis of the indicators under Sections 39.051(b)(1) through (9) [(6)] to determine district and campus performance in relation to: (1) standards established for each indicator; (2) required improvement as defined under Section 39.051(c); and (3) comparable improvement as defined by Section 39.051(c). SECTION 10. Section 39.074(e), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (e) If an annual review indicates low performance on one or more of the indicators under Sections 39.051(b)(1) through (9) [(7)] of one or more campuses in a district, the agency may conduct an on-site evaluation of those campuses only. SECTION 11. Section 42.153(a), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) For each student in average daily attendance in a bilingual education or special language program under Subchapter B, Chapter 29, a district is entitled to an annual allotment equal to the adjusted basic allotment multiplied by 0.4 [0.1]. SECTION 12. Section 29.056(h), Education Code, is repealed. SECTION 13. (a) Not later than the 2006-2007 school year, the Texas Education Agency shall collect information concerning the measure of progress toward English language proficiency for purposes of Section 39.051(b)(7), Education Code, as amended by this Act, and the dropout rates for purposes of Section 39.051(b)(14), Education Code, as added by this Act. (b) Not later than the 2007-2008 school year, the Texas Education Agency shall include the measure of progress toward English language proficiency under Section 39.051(b)(7), as amended by this Act, in evaluating the performance of school districts, campuses, and open-enrollment charter schools under Subchapter D, Chapter 39, Education Code. SECTION 14. This Act applies beginning with the 2005-2006 school year. SECTION 15. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.