79R5553 ESH-F

By:  Madden                                                       H.B. No. 1445

relating to the creation and operation of a state virtual school network to provide education through electronic means to public school students. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subtitle F, Title 2, Education Code, is amended by adding Chapter 30A to read as follows:
Sec. 30A.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Board" means the State Board of Education. (2) "Electronic course or program" means an educational course or program: (A) that includes use of the Internet, computer software, online services, another electronic medium, or another means of conveying information; (B) in which a student and teacher are in different locations for a majority of the student's instructional period; and (C) in which a student is not located on the physical premises of a school district. (3) "Local provider school district" means a school district that provides an electronic course or program to students enrolled in that school district or to students enrolled in another school district through an agreement with the other school district. (4) "Provider school district" means a local provider school district or a state provider school district. (5) "State provider school district" means a school district that, through the state virtual school network, provides electronic courses or programs to students enrolled in the state virtual school network. Sec. 30A.002. MISSION. The board shall ensure high-quality education for public school students in this state who are being educated through electronic courses or programs. Sec. 30A.003. APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (c), this chapter does not affect the provision of a course or program to a student while the student is located on the physical premises of a school district. (b) This chapter does not affect the provision of distance learning courses offered under other law. (c) A school district may choose to participate in providing an electronic course or program under this chapter to a student who is located on the physical premises of a school district.
[Sections 30A.004-30A.050 reserved for expansion]
Sec. 30A.051. GOVERNANCE OF NETWORK. The board shall govern the state virtual school network. Sec. 30A.052. GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD. (a) The board shall prepare or provide for preparation of a biennial budget request for the state virtual school network for presentation to the legislature. (b) The board has exclusive jurisdiction over the physical assets of the network and shall administer and spend appropriations made for the benefit of the network. (c) The board shall: (1) employ or contract with the agency to employ a limited number of administrative employees to operate the network; or (2) contract with a regional education service center for the service center to operate the network. Sec. 30A.053. REPORTS. (a) The board shall prepare a report for each fiscal year documenting activities of the state virtual school network in accordance with this chapter. Not later than January 31 of each year, the board shall file the report for the preceding fiscal year with the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives. (b) The report shall include an evaluation of the performance under Chapter 39 of state provider school districts and local provider school districts. Sec. 30A.054. LIMITATIONS ON NETWORK POWERS. The state virtual school network may not: (1) develop its own curriculum, courses, or programs; or (2) provide educational services directly to a student.
[Sections 30A.055-30A.100 reserved for expansion]
Sec. 30A.101. LISTING OF ELECTRONIC COURSES AND PROGRAMS. (a) The board shall: (1) establish quality-related criteria as provided by Section 30A.102 for electronic courses and programs that a provider school district may offer to students enrolled in public school districts in this state; (2) using the criteria established under Section 30A.102, evaluate electronic courses and programs offered by a provider school district; (3) place electronic courses and programs offered by a state provider school district on an approved list for state use or for use within an area designated by the state provider school district; (4) place electronic courses and programs offered by a local provider school district on an approved list for use by: (A) students enrolled in the local provider school district; or (B) students enrolled in another district through an agreement with the local provider school district; and (5) provide public access to the list of courses and programs offered by provider school districts, and a detailed description of the courses and programs that comply with Section 230A.30A030A(f). (b) To ensure that a full range of courses and programs are offered to students in this state, including advanced placement courses, the board: (1) shall create a list of those subjects and courses designated by the board under Subchapter A, Chapter 28, for which the board has identified essential knowledge and skills or for which the board has designated content requirements under Subchapter A, Chapter 28; (2) shall note each course for which an electronic course or program is not available; (3) shall determine the level of interest of students and parents in courses for which an electronic course or program is not available; (4) shall make publicly available the interest level for those courses; and (5) if the board determines sufficient interest exists, may solicit local provider school districts to offer such a course or program. Sec. 30A.102. CRITERIA FOR ELECTRONIC COURSES AND PROGRAMS. (a) The board by rule shall establish an objective standard criteria for quality of an electronic course or program. (b) The criteria must include the essential knowledge and skills requirements identified under Subchapter A, Chapter 28. The criteria may not permit the board to prohibit provider school districts from applying for approval for an electronic course or program for a course for which essential knowledge and skills have been identified. (c) The criteria may not include: (1) distinctions between state provider school districts and local provider school districts; (2) requirements for or prohibitions on particular kinds of technology; or (3) any requirements that are developmentally inappropriate for students. (d) The criteria must be in place at least six months before the board uses the criteria in evaluating an electronic course or program under Section 30A.103. Sec. 30A.103. APPROVAL OF ELECTRONIC COURSES AND PROGRAMS. The board shall: (1) establish a schedule for an annual submission and approval process for electronic courses and programs; (2) evaluate electronic courses or programs submitted by provider school districts; and (3) approve courses or programs that meet the criteria established under Section 30A.102. Sec. 30A.104. APPEAL TO COMMISSIONER. (a) Before an evaluation under Section 30A.103 begins, a provider school district may appeal to the commissioner on the grounds that the criteria is not objective or does not otherwise comply with this chapter. (b) A provider school district may appeal to the commissioner the board's refusal to approve an electronic course or program. (c) If the commissioner determines that the criteria is not objective or does not otherwise comply with this chapter or that the evaluation did not follow the criteria or was otherwise irregular, the commissioner may overrule the board and place the course or program on a list of approved courses or programs. The commissioner's decision under this section is final and may not be appealed. Sec. 30A.105. OPTIONS FOR PROVIDERS AND STUDENTS. (a) A provider school district may offer electronic courses and programs as a state provider school district, a local provider school district, or both, with courses and programs on one or both lists. (b) A student who wishes to take an electronic course or program may: (1) apply to the state virtual school network to take a course or program full-time from one or more state provider school districts, subject to: (A) an agreement between the state virtual school network and a state provider school district designating the district as the responsible entity; and (B) if the student applies to take courses or parts of a program from more than one state provider school district, an inter-district agreement between or among the districts under Section 30A.154 designating one of the districts as the responsible entity; (2) enroll in the school district in which the student resides and take one or more electronic courses or programs from one or more local provider school districts either directly or through an inter-district agreement under Section 30A.154; or (3) with the agreement of the school district in which the student resides, enroll in that district and take one or more electronic courses or programs from both one or more state provider school districts and one or more local provider school districts. (c) A district may not require a student to enroll in an electronic course or program. (d) For purposes of this section, "responsible entity" means the local education agency that has control of funds, is accountable under Chapter 39, and is responsible for providing programs such as special education and bilingual education and for diplomas, course credits, transcripts, grades, and other educational matters for a student. For a student enrolled as provided by Subsection (b)(1), the designated state provider school district is the responsible entity. For a student enrolled as provided by Subsection (b)(2), the school district in which the student resides is the responsible entity. For a student enrolled as provided by Subsection (b)(3), the responsible entity is determined by agreement between the district in which the student resides and the provider district or districts. Sec. 30A.106. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE. The board by rule shall adopt procedures for verifying the attendance of a student enrolled in an electronic course or program provided by a provider school district. The rules may modify: (1) the application of Sections 25.085, 25.086, and 25.087 for a student enrolled in an electronic course or program; and (2) any other law inconsistent with the provision of electronic courses or programs. Sec. 30A.107. TEACHER TRAINING. The state virtual school network may provide or provide for training for teachers who are teaching electronic courses or programs. Sec. 30A.108. REGIONAL EDUCATION SERVICE CENTERS AND OTHER RESOURCES. (a) The board by rule shall allow regional education service centers to participate in the state virtual school network. (b) The board by rule may establish procedures for providing additional resources, such as an online library, to students served through the state virtual school network. The board may provide the additional resources only if the board receives an appropriation, gift, or grant sufficient to pay the costs of providing those resources.
[Sections 30A.109-30A.150 reserved for expansion]
Sec. 30A.151. COSTS TO BE BORNE BY STATE. (a) Except as authorized by Section 30A.152 or this section, the state shall pay the cost of operating the state virtual school network. (b) The costs for students enrolled in a state provider school district shall be paid from the foundation school fund and from appropriated funds. The legislature in the General Appropriations Act may limit the number of students who may be enrolled in state provider school districts through the state virtual school network. (c) The operating costs of the state virtual school network may not be charged to a school district. Sec. 30A.152. GRANTS AND FEDERAL FUNDS. (a) The board may accept a grant for purposes of this chapter from a public or private person and shall use those funds in accordance with the board's duties regarding the state virtual school network. (b) The board may accept federal funds for purposes of this chapter and shall use those funds in compliance with applicable federal law, regulations, and guidelines. Sec. 30A.153. ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR STATE PROVIDER SCHOOL DISTRICTS. For a student enrolled in a state provider school district through the state virtual school network, the commissioner by rule shall allocate to the district funds from the foundation school fund based on an amount, established in the General Appropriations Act, for contact hours or the student's successful completion of a course. The amount established in the General Appropriations Act must be based on the equivalent of the same number of school years, days, and hours applicable to other school districts. Sec. 30A.154. ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR COURSES OR PROGRAMS OFFERED BY LOCAL PROVIDER SCHOOL DISTRICTS. (a) A local provider school district is entitled to receive federal, state, and local funding for a student enrolled in an electronic course or program offered by the district in an amount equal to the funding the district is otherwise entitled to receive for a student enrolled in the district. A school district may compute the average daily attendance of a student enrolled in an electronic course or program based on: (1) hours of contact with the student, based on successful progress on or completion of modules of the course or program; or (2) the student's successful completion of a course. (b) A local provider school district and the school district in which a student resides shall enter into an agreement related to the payment of the local share of the cost of the student's enrollment in an electronic course or program. Sec. 30A.155. FUNDING FOR ACCELERATED STUDENTS. (a) A state provider school district may apply for additional funding for an accelerated student who is enrolled in more than the course load taken by a student in the equivalent grade level in other school districts. (b) The board by rule shall set a limit on the total amount of funding for which an accelerated student is eligible, with appropriate flexibility for students seeking to graduate early or recover course credits. (c) The legislature in the General Appropriations Act may limit the amount of funding and the number of hours or courses eligible for funding under this section. Sec. 30A.156. FEES. (a) A state provider school district may charge a fee for enrollment in an electronic course or program provided by the district to: (1) a student who does not reside in this state; or (2) a student who: (A) resides in this state; (B) is enrolled in a course load greater than that normally taken by students in the equivalent grade level in other school districts; and (C) does not qualify for accelerated funding under Section 30A.155. (b) Except as provided by Subsection (a), the state virtual school network may not charge a fee to students for electronic courses or programs provided by a state or local provider school district. SECTION 2. The State Board of Education shall ensure that the state virtual school network under Chapter 30A, Education Code, as added by this Act, begins operations in a manner that allows students to enroll in electronic courses and programs offered through the network beginning with the 2006-2007 school year. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.