79R4431 SMH-F

By:  Eiland                                                       H.B. No. 1640

relating to the enforcement of the law governing access to public beaches; imposing a surcharge on certain insurance premiums. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 61.018, Natural Resources Code, is amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), and (d) and adding Subsection (e) to read as follows: (a) Any county attorney, district attorney, or criminal district attorney, a private attorney under a contract with the commissioner, or the attorney general at the request of the commissioner[,] shall file in a district court of Travis County, or in the county in which the property is located, a suit to obtain either a temporary or permanent court order or injunction, either prohibitory or mandatory, to remove or prevent any improvement, maintenance, obstruction, barrier, or other encroachment on a public beach, or to prohibit any unlawful restraint on the public's right of access to and use of a public beach or other activity that violates this chapter. (b) In the same suit, the attorney general, [the] commissioner, county attorney, district attorney, [or] criminal district attorney, or private attorney may recover penalties on behalf of the state and the costs of removing any improvement, obstruction, barrier, or other encroachment if it is removed by public authorities pursuant to an order of the court. (d) Any county attorney, [or] the attorney general at the request of the commissioner, or a private attorney under a contract with the commissioner may bring a suit for a declaratory judgment to try any issue affecting the public's right of access to or use of the public beach. (e) The commissioner may enter into a contract with a private attorney to represent the commissioner in a suit under this section with the consent of the attorney general or of the county attorney, district attorney, or criminal district attorney for the county in which the suit is to be filed. SECTION 2. Subchapter B, Chapter 61, Natural Resources Code, is amended by adding Section 61.027 to read as follows: Sec. 61.027. OPEN BEACH PROTECTION FUND. (a) In this section: (1) "Association" means the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association. (2) "Coastal property" means real property located seaward of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to its southernmost point and then seaward of the longitudinal line also known as 97 degrees, 12', 19" which runs southerly to the international boundary from the intersection of the centerline of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and the Brownsville Ship Channel. (3) "Eligible property owner" means a person who owns coastal property on which is located a structure that is situated wholly or partly on a public beach. (4) "First tier coastal county" has the meaning assigned by Section 3, Article 21.49, Insurance Code. (5) "Fund" means the open beach protection fund. (b) The association shall assess an annual premium surcharge of $10 on each Texas windstorm and hail insurance policy issued by the association under Article 21.49, Insurance Code, on property in a first tier coastal county. The surcharge is fully earned when paid, and a commission may not be charged on the surcharge. (c) The association shall remit an annual premium surcharge collected under this section to the comptroller not later than: (1) January 15 if the surcharge was assessed on an insurance policy that was delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after October 1 of the preceding year and not later than December 31 of the preceding year; (2) April 15 if the surcharge was assessed on an insurance policy that was delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1 of the current year and not later than March 31 of that year; (3) July 15 if the surcharge was assessed on an insurance policy that was delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after April 1 of the current year and not later than June 30 of that year; or (4) October 15 if the surcharge was assessed on an insurance policy that was delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after July 1 of the current year and not later than September 30 of that year. (d) The comptroller shall deposit to the credit of the fund the annual premium surcharges collected under this section and remitted to the comptroller. The fund is an account in the general revenue fund that may be appropriated only to the commissioner to: (1) pay the expenses of the land office related to the implementation and enforcement of this chapter, including the costs of removing an improvement, obstruction, barrier, or other encroachment on a public beach, court costs, expert witness fees, and attorney's fees; (2) reimburse a municipality or county for the reasonable costs, as determined by the commissioner, incurred by the municipality or county in removing debris or a structure from a public beach; or (3) reimburse an eligible property owner for all or part of the reasonable costs, as determined by the commissioner, incurred by the owner in relocating or removing a structure that is situated wholly or partly on a public beach, except that money in the fund may not be used to purchase real property from a property owner or to reimburse a property owner for the costs incurred by the property owner in purchasing real property. (e) Interest earned on the fund shall be credited to the fund. The fund is exempt from the application of Section 403.095, Government Code. (f) The commissioner may accept grants, gifts, and donations of real or personal property on behalf of the fund. A structure may not be constructed on real property donated to the fund if the property is located on or adjacent to a public beach. The commissioner may sell real property donated to the fund that is located landward of a public beach and shall deposit the proceeds of the sale to the credit of the fund. (g) The attorney general at the request of the commissioner or a private attorney under a contract with the commissioner may bring an action under Section 61.018 to recover for deposit to the credit of the fund money disbursed from the fund for a purpose described by Subsection (d)(1) or (2) of this section. (h) The comptroller shall administer this section as provided by Subtitles A and B, Title 2, Tax Code. (i) The commissioner shall adopt rules to implement this section, including rules relating to: (1) the administration of the fund; (2) the requirements for obtaining a disbursement from the fund; (3) the costs of removal of debris or relocation or removal of a structure that are eligible for reimbursement from the fund; and (4) the percentage of the reasonable costs of relocation or removal of a structure that are eligible for reimbursement from the fund. SECTION 3. Section 61.027, Natural Resources Code, as added by this Act, applies only to an insurance policy delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association on or after January 1, 2006. A policy delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before January 1, 2006, is governed by the law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose. SECTION 4. The commissioner of the General Land Office shall adopt rules to implement Section 61.027, Natural Resources Code, as added by this Act, not later than January 1, 2006. The commissioner may not make a disbursement from the open beach protection fund established under that section until the commissioner adopts rules to implement that section. SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.