79R5522 CLG-F

By:  Delisi                                                       H.B. No. 1771

relating to the Medicaid managed care delivery system. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 533.001, Government Code, is amended by adding Subdivision (5-a) to read as follows: (5-a) "Medical home" means a primary care physician or other health care provider who: (A) manages and coordinates all aspects of a recipient's health care; and (B) has a continuous and ongoing professional relationship with the recipient. SECTION 2. Section 533.002, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 533.002. PURPOSE. The commission shall implement the Medicaid managed care program as part of the health care delivery system developed under Chapter 532 by contracting with managed care organizations in a manner that, to the extent possible: (1) improves the health of Texans by: (A) emphasizing prevention; (B) promoting continuity of care; and (C) providing a medical home for recipients; (2) ensures that each recipient receives high quality, comprehensive health care services in the recipient's local community; (3) encourages the training of and access to primary care physicians and providers; (4) maximizes cooperation with existing public health entities, including local departments of health; (5) provides incentives to managed care organizations to improve the quality of health care services for recipients by providing value-added services; [and] (6) reduces administrative and other nonfinancial barriers for: (A) recipients in obtaining health care services; and (B) physicians and other providers participating in the state Medicaid program; and (7) minimizes expenditures not related to the provision of direct care, unless those expenditures will result in better care provided to and improved outcomes for recipients. SECTION 3. Section 533.0025, Government Code, is amended by amending Subsections (b), (c), and (d) and adding Subsections (c-1) and (f) to read as follows: (b) Except as otherwise provided by this section and notwithstanding any other law, the commission shall provide medical assistance [for acute care] through the most cost-effective model of Medicaid managed care as determined by the commission. If the commission determines that it is more cost-effective, the commission may provide medical assistance [for acute care] in a certain part of this state or to a certain population of recipients using: (1) a health maintenance organization model, including the acute care portion of Medicaid Star Plus pilot programs; (2) a primary care case management model; (3) a prepaid health plan model; (4) an exclusive provider organization model; or (5) another Medicaid managed care model or arrangement. (c) In determining whether a model or arrangement described by Subsection (b) is more cost-effective, the executive commissioner must consider: (1) the scope, duration, and types of health benefits or services to be provided in a certain part of this state or to a certain population of recipients; (2) administrative costs necessary to meet federal and state statutory and regulatory requirements; (3) the anticipated effect of market competition associated with the configuration of Medicaid service delivery models determined by the commission; [and] (4) the gain or loss to this state of a tax collected under Chapter 222 [Article 4.11], Insurance Code; (5) the impact, including fiscal impact, to the health care delivery infrastructure of political subdivisions of this state that provide medical assistance, health care, or health care services to recipients or indigent populations; and (6) the long-term impact to the provider network of the state Medicaid program, including participation in the program by physicians engaged in the private practice of medicine, home health providers, and mental health services providers. (c-1) Except as provided by Subchapter D, the commission may not provide medical assistance in a certain area of this state or to a certain population of recipients using a Medicaid managed care model or arrangement as provided by this section unless the commission provides an option for recipients in that area or population to receive medical assistance through a primary care case management model of managed care. (d) If the commission determines that it is not more cost-effective to use a Medicaid managed care model to provide certain types of medical assistance [for acute care] in a certain area or to certain medical assistance recipients as prescribed by this section, the commission shall provide medical assistance [for acute care] through a traditional fee-for-service arrangement. (f) Before the commission begins initially providing medical assistance through a Medicaid managed care model or arrangement to recipients residing in a certain area of this state, or begins providing medical assistance to recipients in that area through a different model or arrangement, the commission shall seek public comments and hold a public hearing in the affected area at least six months before the date the commission intends to begin providing medical assistance through that model or arrangement. SECTION 4. Chapter 533, Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter D to read as follows:
Sec. 533.061. INTEGRATED CARE MANAGEMENT MODEL PILOT PROJECT. (a) The executive commissioner by rule shall establish, and the commission shall conduct and evaluate, a pilot project to determine the cost savings, health benefits, and effectiveness of providing medical assistance through an integrated care management model to the following populations of recipients: (1) recipients of financial assistance under Chapter 31, Human Resources Code; (2) pregnant women; (3) children; and (4) aged, blind, or disabled persons who are not residents of long-term care facilities. (b) The integrated care management model developed under the pilot project must include the following components: (1) the assignment of recipients to a medical home; (2) the establishment of a system for integrated care management that addresses or provides for: (A) acute or long-term care services, as appropriate; (B) the coordination and management of disease management services; and (C) case management, including case management for recipients with chronic health conditions and management of prescription drug use; (3) the performance of health risk assessment screenings on the initial enrollment of recipients in the pilot project to identify those recipients who have or are at risk of developing a chronic illness; (4) a method for reporting the results of assessment screenings described by Subdivision (3) to the recipient's medical home; (5) a method for reporting to physicians or other appropriate health care providers at least quarterly on the use by patients of: (A) prescription drugs and the associated cost of that use; and (B) other health care services and the associated cost of those uses; (6) coordination by the patient's medical home of the patient's support services, including home health services or durable medical equipment; (7) the establishment of a reimbursement system that provides higher levels of payment for providers who: (A) establish and maintain clinics to treat recipients after normal business hours, as defined by rule of the executive commissioner; (B) incorporate early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment services into the medical home; and (C) adhere to evidence-based, clinical guidelines and performance measures that are developed by physicians and subjected to a scientific peer review process; (8) a comprehensive quality management program; and (9) any other appropriate component the executive commissioner determines will improve a recipient's health outcome and is cost-effective. (c) The commission shall implement the pilot project in at least eight areas of this state, including both urban and rural areas. At least one-half of the pilot project sites must be in areas of this state in which a primary care case management model of Medicaid managed care was being used to provide medical assistance to recipients on January 1, 2005. Sec. 533.062. TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORT AND CARE COORDINATION. (a) In implementing the integrated care management model of Medicaid managed care under this subchapter, the commission shall contract for technological support and care coordination as necessary to assure appropriate use of services by and cost-effective health outcomes for recipients. (b) In awarding a contract under this section, the commission shall: (1) consider the effect of the contract on integrated care management providers; and (2) make a reasonable effort to reduce any administrative barrier for those providers. (c) The services provided under the contract should be designed to enhance the ability of integrated care management providers to be effective and responsive in making treatment decisions. Sec. 533.063. STATEWIDE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF PROVIDERS. (a) The executive commissioner shall appoint an advisory committee of health care providers or representatives of those providers to assist the executive commissioner in developing the integrated care management model. The executive commissioner shall consult the advisory committee throughout the development of the model, including in relation to the development of proposed rules under Section 533.061. (b) The committee consists of the following members: (1) six primary care physicians who practice in different geographic areas of this state, including at least two physicians with experience practicing under a primary care case management model of Medicaid managed care; (2) three physician specialists; (3) one representative of a federally qualified health center, as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 1396d(l)(2)(B); (4) one representative of a rural health clinic; and (5) one representative of hospitals. (c) The advisory committee shall meet as necessary to perform the duties required by this section. (d) A member of the committee may not receive compensation for serving on the committee but is entitled to reimbursement for reasonable and necessary travel expenses incurred by the member while conducting the business of the committee, as provided by the General Appropriations Act. (e) The committee is not subject to Chapter 551, Government Code. Sec. 533.064. REGIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES. (a) In each area of this state in which the commission plans to implement the pilot project under Section 533.061, the executive commissioner shall appoint an advisory committee for that area to assist with the development and implementation of the integrated care management model. (b) A committee consists of individuals from the area with respect to which the committee will provide advice and must include the same number of members from each category of providers and representatives of providers specified in Section 533.063(b). (c) A committee is not subject to Chapter 551, Government Code. Sec. 533.065. REPORT. Not later than January 5, 2007, the commission shall submit to the Legislative Budget Board, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives a report describing the results of the pilot project implemented under Section 533.061. The report must include: (1) information regarding: (A) recipient and provider satisfaction; (B) recipient access to primary and specialty care services; (C) recipient outcomes, including health status improvement; and (D) the fiscal impact to political subdivisions of this state in the areas in which the pilot project is implemented, including any cost savings realized by those entities from the implementation; and (2) recommendations on whether to implement the pilot project statewide. Sec. 533.066. EXPIRATION OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter expires September 1, 2009. SECTION 5. Section 32.0212, Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 32.0212. DELIVERY OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. Notwithstanding any other law and subject to Section 533.0025, Government Code, the department shall provide medical assistance [for acute care] through the Medicaid managed care system implemented under Chapter 533, Government Code. SECTION 6. The executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall adopt rules to implement the pilot project established under Section 533.061, Government Code, as added by this Act, not later than December 1, 2005. SECTION 7. To provide technological support and care coordination services as required by Section 533.062, Government Code, as added by this Act, the Health and Human Services Commission may: (1) if possible, modify an existing contract between the commission and a contractor; or (2) enter into an additional contract with a contractor with which the commission has an existing contract. SECTION 8. If before implementing any provision of this Act a state agency determines that a waiver or other authorization from a federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision, the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the waiver or authorization is granted. SECTION 9. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2005.