79R6814 JTS-F

By:  Hegar                                                        H.B. No. 1794

relating to the development of the Trans-Texas Corridor. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 227.013, Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 227.013. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. (a) Before designating a route for a segment of the Trans-Texas Corridor, the department shall hold at least one public hearing in each county through which the segment may pass. (b) Before the department submits a final environmental impact statement to the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration for a segment of the Trans-Texas Corridor, the department shall hold at least one public hearing in each county through which the segment may pass. A hearing required by this subsection is in addition to any hearing required by Subsection (a). (c) At a hearing under Subsection (b), the department shall identify each mode of transportation projected to use, and each proposed entrance to and exit from, the segment of the Trans-Texas Corridor that will pass through the county in which the public hearing is being held. (d) The department shall provide written notice to each state senator, state representative, and county commissioner who represents the county in which a public hearing under this section is required to be held not later than 30 days before the date of the hearing. SECTION 2. Section 227.015, Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 227.015. LOCATION OF FACILITIES. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, including Chapter 181, Utilities Code, Chapter 402, Local Government Code, and Section 49.220, Water Code, the department may: (1) specify the location of any facility on the Trans-Texas Corridor, subject to Subsection (b); (2) direct the time and manner of construction of a public utility facility on the Trans-Texas Corridor; and (3) direct the time and manner of construction or operation of any other facility on the Trans-Texas Corridor. (b) The department may not limit the public's entrance to or exit from the Trans-Texas Corridor or limit use of the corridor as a mode of transportation with the intent to benefit the economic viability of a particular facility or group of facilities located on the Trans-Texas Corridor. SECTION 3. Section 227.021, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Subsections (d-1) and (d-2) to read as follows: (d-1) The department, any other governmental entity of this state, or a third-party contractor may not capture groundwater from below the Trans-Texas Corridor for exportation from the county in which the groundwater is captured. (d-2) Not later than the 15th calendar day after the date the department or a third-party contractor enters into negotiations, discussions, or any form of communication with another party regarding the use of the Trans-Texas Corridor for the transportation of groundwater, the department or third-party contractor shall provide written notice of the communication to: (1) each groundwater conservation district, subsidence district, or other local water authority having territory in the county in which the groundwater originates; and (2) the commissioners court of the county in which the groundwater originates. SECTION 4. Section 227.041(b), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) An interest in real property or a property right is necessary or convenient for the construction or operation of a facility if it is located in [or contiguous to] an existing or planned segment of the Trans-Texas Corridor and if its acquisition will further the primary purposes of the Trans-Texas Corridor. Primary purposes include: (1) providing right-of-way or a location for a facility; (2) providing land for mitigation of adverse environmental effects; (3) providing buffer zones for scenic or safety purposes; (4) allowing for possible future expansion of any facility; and (5) generating revenue, directly or indirectly, for use in constructing or operating the Trans-Texas Corridor from or for ancillary facilities that directly benefit users of the Trans-Texas Corridor. SECTION 5. Section 227.042, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows: (b-1) The department and the owner shall execute a written agreement that itemizes each mode of transportation that serves as consideration for the corridor participation payment. SECTION 6. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.