79R7918 QS-F

By:  Flores                                                       H.B. No. 2009

relating to the recording of certain instruments with the Rio Grande Watermaster. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 11.3271(j), Water Code, as added by Chapter 385, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, is redesignated as Section 11.3272, Water Code, and amended to read as follows: Sec. 11.3272. OFFICIAL RECORDING OF INSTRUMENTS WITH RIO GRANDE WATERMASTER. (a) [(j)] Notwithstanding any other law, the watermaster with jurisdiction over the Rio Grande is the official recorder and central repository for all instruments, including deeds, deeds of trust, financing statements, security agreements, and liens, that are authorized or required under any law or rule [the commission authorizes or requires] to be filed in connection with water rights relating to water in the lower, middle, or upper basin of the Rio Grande that are subject to a permit, certified filing, or certificate of adjudication. (b) An instrument described by Subsection (a) shall be filed with the watermaster [under this subsection] in the same manner as required by other law for the same type of instrument. The filing of an instrument under this section [subsection] results in the same legal and administrative status and consequences as a filing under other law for the same type of instrument. An instrument filed under this section [subsection] shall be construed by a court, financial institution, or other affected person in the same manner as an instrument of the same type that is filed under other law. (c) The watermaster may charge and collect a fee for the recordation of instruments under this section [subsection] in the same amount as the fee collected by the county clerk of Cameron County for the recordation of similar instruments. (d) The commission by rule shall prescribe the procedures necessary for the proper implementation of this section [subsection], including reasonable transition provisions, if appropriate. This section is not limited to instruments that the commission authorizes or requires to be filed with the watermaster. The commission may not adopt a rule that limits or otherwise compromises the function of the watermaster as the official recorder and central repository for all instruments described by this section. SECTION 2. A rule adopted by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality before, on, or after the effective date of this Act that excludes from being recorded with the Rio Grande Watermaster an instrument described by Section 11.3272, Water Code, as redesignated from Section 11.3271(j), Water Code, and amended by this Act, or that makes the Rio Grande Watermaster the filing authority for only certified copies of those instruments instead of the official recorder of those instruments, is void. SECTION 3. Section 11.3271(j), Water Code, as added by Chapter 281, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, is repealed. SECTION 4. The change in law made by this Act does not affect the validity of an instrument or lien described by Section 11.3272, Water Code, as redesignated from Section 11.3271(j), Water Code, and amended by this Act, that was recorded or perfected before the effective date of this Act. SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.