79R10707 SGA-F

By:  Hilderbran, Casteel                                          H.B. No. 2025

Substitute the following for H.B. No. 2025:                                   

By:  Hilderbran                                               C.S.H.B. No. 2025

relating to the transfer of jurisdiction over the National Museum of the Pacific War and other historical sites from the Parks and Wildlife Department to the Texas Historical Commission. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Sections 442.001-442.018, Government Code, are designated as Subchapter A, Chapter 442, Government Code, and a heading to Subchapter A is added to read as follows:
SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 442, Government Code, as added by this Act, is amended by adding Section 442.019 to read as follows: Sec. 442.019. TRANSFER OF HISTORICAL SITES FROM PARKS AND WILDLIFE. (a) By interagency agreement, a historical site under the jurisdiction of the Parks and Wildlife Department may be transferred to the commission. (b) If jurisdiction over a historical site is transferred under this section, all rights, powers, duties, obligations, functions, activities, property, and programs of the Parks and Wildlife Department relating to the historical site are transferred to the commission. (c) On or after the transfer of jurisdiction over a historical site, the commission may enter into an agreement with a nonprofit corporation, including the Admiral Nimitz Foundation, for the expansion, renovation, management, operation, or financial support of the site. SECTION 3. Subchapter Q, Chapter 22, Parks and Wildlife Code, is redesignated as Subchapter B, Chapter 442, Government Code, and amended to read as follows:
Sec. 442.051 [22.231]. MUSEUM DEFINITION; JURISDICTION. (a) In this subchapter, "museum" means the National Museum of the Pacific War. (b) The museum [Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Memorial Naval Museum] is under the jurisdiction of the commission [department]. Sec. 442.052 [22.232]. POWERS OF COMMISSION [DEPARTMENT]. With respect to the [Nimitz] museum and in addition to its other powers and duties, the commission [department]: (1) shall foster and commemorate the memory of the era of supreme United States naval power upon the seas and the men and women of the armed services whose gallant and selfless dedication to duty made this era possible; (2) shall administer the museum [Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Memorial Naval Museum] at Fredericksburg; (3) shall act in any other capacity relative to preserving naval documents, relics, and other items of historical interest; (4) may employ and discharge a museum director and other employees it deems necessary to fulfill its duties and responsibilities within the limits of funds available; (5) may accept on behalf of the State of Texas donations of money, property, and historical relics related to the museum's theme; and (6) may acquire property and historical relics by purchase within the limits of funds available. Sec. 442.053 [22.233]. REVENUE BONDS FOR MUSEUM. (a) The commission [department,] by resolution [of the commission,] may request the Texas Public Finance Authority to issue revenue bonds or other revenue obligations to finance the repair, renovation, improvement, expansion, and equipping of the [Nimitz] museum for one or more projects not to exceed an aggregated estimated cost of $9 million. (b) On receipt of a request by the commission [department] under this section, the Texas Public Finance Authority shall promptly issue the bonds or other revenue obligations under and in accordance with Chapter 1232[, Government Code]. (c) The commission [department] shall deposit the proceeds of revenue bonds or other revenue obligations issued under this section to the credit of the National Museum of the Pacific War account [Texas parks and wildlife conservation and capital account] and may use the proceeds only to finance the repair, renovation, improvement, expansion, and equipping of the museum. (d) [Notwithstanding any other law, the department may contract with the Admiral Nimitz Foundation for the renovation, improvement, or expansion of the museum. [(e)] The commission [department] may accept contributions from the Admiral Nimitz Foundation and other sources in connection with the repair, renovation, improvement, expansion, equipping, or operation of the museum. Sec. 442.054. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE PACIFIC WAR ACCOUNT. (a) The National Museum of the Pacific War account is a separate account in the general revenue fund. (b) The account consists of: (1) transfers made to the account; (2) revenue from the operation of the museum; (3) grants and donations made by the Admiral Nimitz Foundation and other sources; and (4) income earned on investments of money in the account. (c) Appropriations to the commission for the preservation, operation, or maintenance of the museum shall be deposited to the credit of the account. (d) The commission may use money in the account to administer this subchapter, including to support the preservation, repair, renovation, improvement, expansion, equipping, operation, or maintenance of the museum or acquisition of historical items appropriate to the museum. (e) Any money in the account not used in a fiscal year remains in the account. The account is exempt from the application of Section 403.095. Sec. 442.055. GRANTS; DONATIONS. The commission may accept a grant or donation for any program or purpose of the museum. SECTION 4. (a) On November 1, 2005, the following are transferred to the Texas Historical Commission: (1) all powers, duties, obligations, and liabilities of the Parks and Wildlife Department relating to the National Museum of the Pacific War; (2) all unobligated and unexpended funds appropriated to the Parks and Wildlife Department designated for the administration of the National Museum of the Pacific War; (3) all equipment and property of the Parks and Wildlife Department used for the administration of or related to the National Museum of the Pacific War; and (4) all files and other records of the Parks and Wildlife Department kept by the department regarding the National Museum of the Pacific War. (b) A rule adopted by the Parks and Wildlife Department that is in effect immediately before November 1, 2005, and that relates to the National Museum of the Pacific War is, on November 1, 2005, a rule of the Texas Historical Commission and remains in effect until amended or repealed by the Texas Historical Commission. (c) Any money in the Texas parks and wildlife conservation and capital account deposited to the credit of the National Museum of the Pacific War on October 31, 2005, is transferred on November 1, 2005, to the National Museum of the Pacific War account. (d) The transfers under this Act do not diminish or impair the rights of a holder of an outstanding bond or other obligation issued by the Parks and Wildlife Department under former Section 22.233, Parks and Wildlife Code. (e) Before November 1, 2005, the Parks and Wildlife Department may agree with the Texas Historical Commission to transfer any property of the Parks and Wildlife Department to the Texas Historical Commission to implement the transfer required by this Act. (f) In the period beginning on the effective date of this Act and ending on November 1, 2005, the Parks and Wildlife Department shall continue to perform functions and activities under Subchapter Q, Chapter 22, Parks and Wildlife Code, as if that subchapter had not been amended by this Act, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. SECTION 5. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2005.