79R8848 KEL-D

By:  McClendon                                                    H.B. No. 2375

relating to the issuance of bonds or other obligations by certain junior college districts. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 1371.001(4), Government Code, is amended to read as follows: (4) "Issuer" means: (A) a home-rule municipality that: (i) adopted its charter under Section 5, Article XI, Texas Constitution; (ii) has a population of 50,000 or more; and (iii) has outstanding long-term indebtedness that is rated by a nationally recognized rating agency for municipal securities in one of the four highest rating categories for a long-term obligation; (B) a conservation and reclamation district created and organized as a river authority under Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution; (C) a joint powers agency organized and operating under Chapter 163, Utilities Code; (D) a metropolitan rapid transit authority or regional transportation authority created, organized, and operating under Chapter 451 or 452, Transportation Code; (E) a conservation and reclamation district organized or operating as a navigation district under Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution; (F) a district organized or operating under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, that has all or part of two or more municipalities within its boundaries; (G) a state agency, including a state institution of higher education; (H) a hospital authority created or operating under Chapter 262 or 264, Health and Safety Code, in a county that: (i) has a population of more than 3.3 million; or (ii) is included, in whole or in part, in a standard metropolitan statistical area of this state that includes a county with a population of more than 2.2 million; (I) a hospital district in a county that has a population of more than two million; (J) a nonprofit corporation organized to exercise the powers of a higher education authority under Section 53.47(e), Education Code; (K) a county with a population of 3.3 million or more; (L) an independent school district that has an average daily attendance of 50,000 or more as determined under Section 42.005, Education Code; (M) a municipality or county operating under Chapter 334, Local Government Code; [or] (N) a district created under Chapter 335, Local Government Code; or (O) a junior college district that has a total headcount enrollment of 40,000 or more based on enrollment in the most recent regular semester. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2005.