By:  Villarreal                                                   H.B. No. 2463

relating to the creation of new taxing districts in Hidalgo County, Montgomery County, Webb County, and Bexar County to levy taxes on hospitals located in Hidalgo County, Montgomery County, Webb County, and Bexar County for programs that provide healthcare services. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Title 3 of the Special Districts Code is amended by adding a new chapter 1101 to read as follows:
Sec. 1101.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Annual Survey" means the TDH/AHA/THA Annual Survey of Hospitals, as amended, filed annually with the Department of State Health Services. (2) "Commission" means the commission of the District. (3) "Commissioner" means a member of the Commission. (4) "District" means the Hidalgo Healthcare Funding District. (5) "Institutional Health Care Provider" means all nonpublic general acute care hospitals in Hildago County licensed under chapter 241 of the Health and Safety Code, as amended. (6) "District Taxpayer" means any persons or entities that paid taxes during the District's fiscal year. Sec. 1101.002. AUTHORITY FOR OPERATION. The District shall levy taxes to generate additional healthcare funding for institutional health care providers within Hildago County. The district operates under the authority of the Legislature's authority to create special districts pursuant to Section 1, Article III, of the Texas Constitution. Sec. 1101.003. DURATION OF THE DISTRICT. The District shall cease to exist on September 1, 2007 unless otherwise provided by amendment to this chapter by the Legislature. Sec. 1101.004. POLITICAL SUBDIVISION. The District is a political subdivision of this state. Sec. 1101.005. DISTRICT TERRITORY. The District is composed of the territory whose boundaries are the same as those of Hidalgo County. Sec. 1101.006. CORRECTION OF INVALID PROCEDURE. If a court holds that any procedure under this chapter violates the constitution of this state or of the United States, the District by resolution may provide an alternative procedure that conforms with the constitution.
Sec. 1101.050. COMMISSION. The District is governed by a Commission appointed by the Hidalgo County Commissioners Court. Sec. 1101.051. QUALIFICATION OF COMMISSIONERS. To be eligible to be a Commissioner, a person must: (1) be a United States citizen; (2) be 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment, as applicable; (3) have not been determined mentally incompetent by a final judgment of a court; (4) have not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities; (5) have resided continuously in the state for 12 months and in Hildago County for six months immediately preceding the date of the appointment or election, as applicable; and (6) be a person knowledgeable in the health care field. Sec. 1101.052. TERM: APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS. Commissioners serve terms of two years. Each County Commissioners Court shall appoint one Commissioner, and the County Judge shall appoint any remaining Commissioners, subject to the qualification of Section 1101.51. Sec. 1101.053. VACANCY. If a vacancy occurs on the Commission, the Hidalgo County Commissioners Court shall appoint an alternative Commissioner who meets the qualification criteria of Section 1101.051. In the event the Hidalgo County Commissioners Court fails to appoint a replacement Commissioner within one month of the vacancy, the remaining Commissioners may appoint a replacement. Sec. 1101.054. OFFICERS. The Commissioner shall elect a president and a secretary from among the Commissioners to serve until the next Commissioners' election. Sec. 1101.055. COMPENSATION; EXPENSES. A Commissioner serves without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of official duties on the approval of the expenses by the Commission. Sec. 1101.056. EMPLOYEES/INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. The Commission may employ an attorney, financial advisor, or bookkeeper or contract for those services. Sec. 1101.057. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS: PUBLIC INSPECTION. All district records, including books, accounts, notices, minutes, and all other matters of the district and the operation of its facilities, shall be: (1) maintained at the District office: and (2) open to public inspection at the District office at all reasonable hours.
Sec. 1101.100. DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITY. (a) The District shall levy taxes solely as provided in this chapter. (b) The District may not levy any taxes in any year without the approval of a majority of the Commission. Sec. 1101.101. MAJORITY REQUIRED. To act or spend funds to cover administrative expenses, the District must have an affirmative vote by a majority of the Commission, subject to the limitations of subsection (b) of this section. (b) To spend funds unrelated to covering administrative cost, the District must have an affirmative vote by a majority of the Commissioners and a supermajority affirmative vote of 95% of the District Taxpayers. Sec. 1101.102. RULES. The Commission may adopt rules governing the operation of the District, including the taxing mechanism that is written to comport with the requirements of this chapter. Sec. 1101.103. PURCHASING AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES. (a) The Commission may prescribe the method and manner for making purchases and expenditures by the District. (b) The Commission shall prescribe: (1) all accounting and control procedures; and (2) the method of purchasing necessary supplies, materials, and equipment. Sec. 1101.104. INSTITUTIONAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDER REPORTING; INSPECTION OF RECORDS. (a) The District shall require all institutional health care providers to submit copies of their annual surveys as amended and filed with the Department of State Health Services. (b) The District may inspect the records of an institutional health care provider necessary to ensure that the provider reports all data required under this chapter. Sec. 1101.105. AUTHORITY TO SUE AND BE SUED. As a governmental agency, the District may sue and be sued in its own name in any court of this state.
Sec. 1101.150. BUDGET. (a) Each year, the Commission shall prepare a budget showing for the following fiscal year: (a) the proposed expenditures and disbursements; (b) the estimated receipts and collections; and (c) the amount of taxes required to be imposed during the year. (b) The Commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget. At least 10 days before the date of hearing, at least one notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. (c) Any District Taxpayer is entitled to appear at the time and place designated in the notice and to be heard regarding any item shown in the proposed budget. Sec. 1101.151. FISCAL YEAR. The District's fiscal year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31. Sec. 1101.152. ANNUAL AUDIT. (a) For each fiscal year, the Commission shall have an independent audit made of the District's books and records. (b) Not later than December 31 each year, the audit shall be filed with the comptroller and at the District office. Sec. 1101.153. DEPOSITORY. (a) The Commission by resolution shall designate one or more banks in the District as the District's depository or treasurer. A designated bank serves for two years and until a successor is designated. (b) All income received by the District, including tax revenue after deducting discounts and fees for assessing and collecting the taxes, shall be deposited with the District depository and may be withdrawn only as provided by this chapter. (c) All District funds shall be secured in the manner provided for securing county funds.
Sec. 1101.200. TAXES ON INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS. (a) The Commission may impose a tax on all institutional health care providers. The tax shall be based on the total number of emergency room visits reported by each institutional health care provider on its 2002 hospital fiscal year annual survey. The District shall update this tax basis with the number of emergency room visits reported by each institutional health care provider in the Annual Survey for hospital fiscal year 2006 and every four years thereafter. The tax shall not exceed $100.00 per emergency room visit. (b) Any tax levied under subsection (a) must be imposed broadly and uniformly for all institutional health care providers and not hold harmless any institutional health care providers and not hold harmless any institutional health care provider, as required under 42 U.S.C. section 1396b(w), as amended. (c) The Commission may set a rate for the tax under this section that is sufficient to cover its administrative expenses and to provide inpatient and outpatient healthcare services within the District. Such administrative expenses shall not exceed the lesser of 4% of the tax or $20,000 per year. (d) No tax imposed under subsection (a) shall be assessed as a surcharge to any patient. Sec. 1101.201. APPOINTMENT OF TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR. (a) The county tax assessor and collector shall collect the tax imposed under this subchapter unless the Commission appoints a tax assessor and collector under Section 285.041 of the Health and Safety Code. (b) The county tax assessor and collector shall charge and deduct from payments to the district a fee for imposing the tax in an amount determined by the Commission not to exceed the lesser of one percent of the amount collected or $5,000 for fiscal year. The fees for imposing the tax shall be deposited in the county's general fund and shall be reported as fees of the tax assessor and collector. Sec. 1101.202. INTEREST, PENALTIES, AND DISCOUNTS. Interest, penalties, and discounts on taxes paid to the District shall be the same as for county taxes. SECTION 2. Title 3 of the Special Districts Code is amended by adding a new chapter 1102 to read as follows:
Sec. 1102.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Annual Survey" means the TDH/AHA/THA Annual Survey of Hospitals, as amended, filed annually with the Department of State Health Services. (2) "Commission" means the commission of the District. (3) "Commissioner" means a member of the Commission. (4) "District" means the Montgomery Healthcare Funding District. (5) "Institutional Health Care Provider" means all single campus nonpublic general acute care hospitals in Montgomery County licensed under chapter 241 of the Health and Safety Code, as amended. (6) "District Taxpayer" means any persons or entities that paid taxes during the District's fiscal year. Sec. 1102.002. AUTHORITY FOR OPERATION. The District shall levy taxes to generate additional healthcare funding for institutional health care providers within Montgomery County. The district operates under the authority of the Legislature's authority to create special districts pursuant to Section 1, Article III, of the Texas Constitution. Sec. 1102.003. DURATION OF THE DISTRICT. The District shall cease to exist on September 1, 2007 unless otherwise provided by amendment to this chapter by the Legislature. Sec. 1102.004. POLITICAL SUBDIVISION. The District is a political subdivision of this state. Sec. 1102.005. DISTRICT TERRITORY. The District is composed of the territory whose boundaries are the same as those of Montgomery County. Sec. 1102.006. CORRECTION OF INVALID PROCEDURE. If a court holds that any procedure under this chapter violates the constitution of this state or of the United States, the District by resolution may provide an alternative procedure that conforms with the constitution.
Sec. 1102.050. COMMISSION. The District is governed by a Commission appointed by the Montgomery County Commissioners Court. Sec. 1102.051. QUALIFICATION OF COMMISSIONERS. To be eligible to be a Commissioner, a person must: (1) be a United States citizen; (2) be 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment, as applicable; (3) have not been determined mentally incompetent by a final judgment of a court; (4) have not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities; (5) have resided continuously in the state for 12 months and in Montgomery County for six months immediately preceding the date of the appointment or election, as applicable; and (6) be a person knowledgeable in the health care field. Sec. 1102.052. TERM: APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS. Commissioners serve terms of two years. Each County Commissioner shall appoint one Commissioner, and the County Judge shall appoint any remaining Commissioners, subject to the qualifications of Section 1102.051. Sec. 1102.053. VACANCY. If a vacancy occurs on the Commission, the Montgomery County Commissioners Court shall appoint an alternative Commissioner who meets the qualification criteria of Section 1102.051. In the event the Montgomery County Commissioners Court fails to appoint a replacement Commissioner within one month of the vacancy, the remaining Commissioners may appoint a replacement. Sec. 1102.054. OFFICERS. The Commission shall elect a president and a secretary from among the Commissioners to serve until the next Commissioners' election. Sec. 1102.055. COMPENSATION; EXPENSES. A Commissioner serves without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of official duties on the approval of the expenses by the Commission. Sec. 1102.056. EMPLOYEES/INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. The Commission may employ an attorney, financial advisor, or bookkeeper or contract for those services. Sec. 1102.057. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS: PUBLIC INSPECTION. All district records, including books, accounts, notices, minutes, and all other matters of the district and the operation of its facilities, shall be: (1) maintained at the District office; and (2) open to public inspection at the District office at all reasonable hours.
Sec. 1102.100. DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITY. (a) The District shall levy taxes solely as provided in this chapter. (b) The District may not levy any taxes in any year without the approval of a majority of the Commission. Sec. 1102.101. MAJORITY REQUIRED. To act or spend funds to cover administrative expenses, the District must have an affirmative vote by a majority of the Commissioners, subject to the limitations of subsection (b) of this section. (b) To spend funds unrelated to covering administrative cost, the District must have an affirmative vote by a majority of the Commissioners and a supermajority affirmative vote of 95% of the District Taxpayers. Sec. 1102.102. RULES. The Commission may adopt rules governing the operation of the District, including the taxing mechanism that is written to comport with the requirements of this chapter. Sec. 1102.103. PURCHASING AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES. (a) The Commission may prescribe the method and manner for making purchases and expenditures by the District. (b) The Commission shall prescribe: (1) all accounting and control procedures; and (2) the method of purchasing necessary supplies, materials, and equipment. Sec. 1102.104. INSTITUTIONAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDER REPORTING; INSPECTION OF RECORDS. (a) The District shall require all institutional health care providers to submit copies of their annual surveys as amended and filed with the Department of State Health Services. (b) The District may inspect the records of an institutional health care provider necessary to ensure that the provider reports all date required under this chapter. Sec. 1102.105. AUTHORITY TO SUE AND BE SUED. As a governmental agency, the District may sue and be sued in its own name in any court of this state.
Sec. 1102.150. BUDGET. (a) Each year, the Commission shall prepare a budget showing for the following fiscal year: (a) the proposed expenditures and disbursements; (b) the estimated receipts and collections; and (c) the amount of taxes required to be imposed during the year. (b) The Commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget. At least 10 days before the date of hearing, at least one notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. (c) Any District Taxpayer is entitled to appear at the time and place designated in the notice and to be heard regarding any item shown in the proposed budget. Sec. 1102.151. FISCAL YEAR. The District's fiscal year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31. Sec. 1102.152. ANNUAL AUDIT. (a) For each fiscal year, the Commission shall have an independent audit made of the District's books and records. (b) Not later than December 31 each year, the audit shall be filed with the comptroller and at the District office. Sec. 1102.153. DEPOSITORY. (a) The Commission by resolution shall designate one or more banks in the District as the District's depository or treasurer. A designated bank serves for two years and until a successor is designated. (b) All income received by the District, including tax revenue after deducting discounts and fees for assessing and collecting the taxes, shall be deposited with the District depository and may be withdrawn only as provided by this chapter. (c) All District funds shall be secured in the manner provided for securing county funds.
Sec. 1102.200. TAXES ON INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS. (a) The Commission may impose a tax on all institutional health care providers. The tax shall be based on the total number of emergency room visits reported by each institutional health care provider on its 2002 hospital fiscal year annual survey. The District shall update this tax basis with the number of emergency room visits reported by each institutional health care provider in the Annual Survey for hospital fiscal year 2006 and every four years thereafter. The tax shall not exceed $100.00 per emergency room visit. (b) Any tax levied under subsection (a) must be imposed broadly and uniformly for all institutional health care providers and not hold harmless any institutional health care provider, as required under 42 U.S.C. section 1396b(w), as amended. (c) The Commission may set a rate for the tax under this section that is sufficient to cover its administrative expenses and to provide inpatient and outpatient healthcare services within the District. Such administrative expenses shall not exceed the lesser of 4% of the tax or $20,000 per year. (d) No tax imposed under subsection (a) shall be assessed as a surcharge to any patient. Sec. 1102.201. APPOINTMENT OF TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR. (a) The county tax assessor and collector shall collect the tax imposed under this subchapter unless the Commission appoints a tax assessor and collector under Section 285.041 of the Health and Safety Code. (b) The county tax assessor and collector shall charge and deduct from payments to the district a fee for imposing the tax in an amount determined by the Commission not to exceed the lesser of one percent of the amount collected or $5,000 for the fiscal year. The fees for imposing the tax shall be deposited in the county's general fund and shall be reported as fees of the tax assessor and collector. Sec. 1102.202. INTEREST, PENALTIES, AND DISCOUNTS. Interest, penalties, and discounts on taxes paid to the District shall be the same as for county taxes. SECTION 3. Title 3 of the Special Districts Code, is amended by adding a new chapter 1103 to read as follows:
Sec. 1103.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Annual Survey" means the TDH/AHA/THA Annual Survey of Hospitals, as amended, filed annually with the Department of State Health Services. (2) "Commission" means the commission of the District. (3) "Commissioner" means a member of the Commission. (4) "District" means the Webb Healthcare Funding District. (5) "Institutional Health Care Provider" means all nonpublic general acute care hospitals in Webb County licensed under chapter 241 of the Health and Safety Code, as amended. (6) "District Taxpayer" means any persons or entities that paid taxes during the District's fiscal year. Sec. 1103.002. AUTHORITY FOR OPERATION. The District shall levy taxes to generate additional healthcare funding for institutional health care providers within Webb County. The district operates under the authority of the Legislature's authority to create special districts pursuant to Section 1, Article III, of the Texas Constitution. Sec. 1103.003. DURATION OF THE DISTRICT. The District shall cease to exist on September 1, 2007 unless otherwise provided by amendment to this chapter by the Legislature. Sec. 1103.004. POLITICAL SUBDIVISION. The District is a political subdivision of this state. Sec. 1103.005. DISTRICT TERRITORY. The District is composed of the territory whose boundaries are the same as those of Webb County. Sec. 1103.006. CORRECTION OF INVALID PROCEDURE. If a court holds that any procedure under this chapter violates the constitution of this state or of the United States, the District by resolution may provide an alternative procedure that conforms with the constitution.
Sec. 1103.050. COMMISSION. The District is governed by a Commission appointed by the Webb County Commissioners Court. Sec. 1103.051. QUALIFICATION OF COMMISSIONERS. To be eligible to be a Commissioner, a person must: (1) be a United States citizen; (2) be 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment, as applicable; (3) have not been determined mentally incompetent by a final judgment of a court; (4) have not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities; (5) have resided continuously in the state for 12 months and in Webb County for six months immediately preceding the date of the appointment or election, as applicable; and (6) be a person knowledgeable in the health care field. Sec. 1103.052. TERM: APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS. Commissioners serve terms of two years. Each County Commissioners Court shall appoint one Commissioner, and the County Judge shall appoint any remaining Commissioners, subject to the qualifications of Section 1103.051. Sec. 1103.053. VACANCY. If a vacancy occurs on the Commission, the Webb County Commissioners Court shall appoint an alternative Commissioner who meets the qualification criteria of Section 1103.051. In the event the Webb County Commissioners Court fails to appoint a replacement Commissioner within one month of the vacancy, the remaining Commissioners may appoint a replacement. Sec. 1103.054. OFFICERS. The Commissioner shall elect a president and a secretary from among the Commissioners to serve until the next Commissioners' election. Sec. 1103.055. COMPENSATION; EXPENSES. A Commissioner serves without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of official duties on the approval of the expenses by the Commission. Sec. 1103.056. EMPLOYEES/INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. The Commission may employ an attorney, financial advisor, or bookkeeper or contract for those services. Sec. 1103.057. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS: PUBLIC INSPECTION. All district records, including books, accounts, notices, minutes, and all other matters of the district and the operation of its facilities, shall be: (1) maintained at the District office: and (2) open to public inspection at the District office at all reasonable hours.
Sec. 1103.100. DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITY. (a) The District shall levy taxes solely as provided in this chapter. (b) The District may not levy any taxes in any year without the approval of a majority of the Commission. Sec. 1103.101. MAJORITY REQUIRED. (a) To act or spend funds to cover administrative expenses, the District must have an affirmative vote by a majority of the Commissioners, subject to the limitations of subsection (b) of this section. (b) To spend funds unrelated to covering administrative cost, the District must have an affirmative vote by a majority of the Commissioners and a supermajority affirmative vote of 95% of the District Taxpayers. Sec. 1103.102. RULES. The Commission may adopt rules governing the operation of the District, including the taxing mechanism that is written to comport with the requirements of this chapter. Sec. 1103.103. PURCHASING AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES. (a) The Commission may prescribe the method and manner for making purchases and expenditures by the District. (b) The Commission shall prescribe: (1) all accounting and control procedures; and (2) the method of purchasing necessary supplies, materials, and equipment. Sec. 1103.104. INSTITUTIONAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDER REPORTING; INSPECTION OF RECORDS. (a) The District shall require all institutional health care providers to submit copies of their annual surveys, as amended and filed with the Department of State Health Services. (b) The District may inspect the records of an institutional health care provider necessary to ensure that the provider reports all data required under this chapter. Sec. 1103.105. AUTHORITY TO SUE AND BE SUED. As a governmental agency, the District may sue and be sued in its own name in any court of this state.
Sec. 1103.150. BUDGET. (a) Each year, the Commission shall prepare a budget showing for the following fiscal year: (a) the proposed expenditures and disbursements; (b) the estimated receipts and collections; and (c) the amount of taxes required to be imposed during the year. (b) The Commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget. At least 10 days before the date of hearing, at least one notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. (c) Any District Taxpayer is entitled to appear at the time and place designated in the notice and to be heard regarding any item shown in the proposed budget. Sec. 1103.151. FISCAL YEAR. The District's fiscal year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31. Sec. 1103.152. ANNUAL AUDIT. (a) For each fiscal year, the Commission shall have an independent audit made of the District's books and records. (b) Not later than December 31 each year, the audit shall be filed with the comptroller and at the District office. Sec. 1103.153. DEPOSITORY. (a) The Commission by resolution shall designate one or more banks in the District as the District's depository or treasurer. A designated bank serves for two years and until a successor is designated. (b) All income received by the District, including tax revenue after deducting discounts and fees for assessing and collecting the taxes, shall be deposited with the District depository and may be withdrawn only as provided by this chapter. (c) All District funds shall be secured in the manner provided for securing county funds.
Sec. 1103.200. TAXES ON INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS. (a) The Commission may impose a tax on all institutional health care providers. The tax shall be based on the total number of emergency room visits reported by each institutional health care provider on its 2002 hospital fiscal year annual survey. The District shall update this tax basis with the number of emergency room visits reported by each institutional health care provider in the Annual Survey for hospital fiscal year 2006 and every four years thereafter. The tax shall not exceed $100.00 per emergency room visit. (b) Any tax levied under subsection (a) must be imposed broadly and uniformly for all institutional health care providers and not hold harmless any institutional health care provider, as required under 42 U.S.C. section 1396b(w), as amended. (c) The Commission may set a rate for the tax under this section that is sufficient to cover its administrative expenses and to provide inpatient and outpatient healthcare services within the District. Such administrative expenses shall not exceed the lesser of 4% of the tax or $20,000 per year. (d) No tax imposed under subsection (a) shall be assessed as a surcharge to any patient. Sec. 1103.201. APPOINTMENT OF TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR. (a) The county tax assessor and collector shall collect the tax imposed under this subchapter unless the Commission appoints a tax assessor and collector under Section 285.041 of the Health and Safety Code. (b) The county tax assessor and collector shall charge and deduct from payments to the district a fee for imposing the tax in an amount determined by the Commission not to exceed the lesser of one percent of the amount collected or $5,000 for the fiscal year. The fees for imposing the tax shall be deposited in the county's general fund and shall be reported as fees of the tax assessor and collector. Sec. 1103.202. INTEREST, PENALTIES, AND DISCOUNTS. Interest, penalties, and discounts on taxes paid to the District shall be the same as for county taxes. SECTION 4. Title 3 of the Special Districts Code is amended by adding a new chapter 1104 to read as follows:
Sec. 1104.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Annual Survey" means the TDH/AHA/THA Annual Survey of Hospitals, as amended, filed annually with the Department of State Health Services. (2) "Commission" means the commission of the District. (3) "Commissioner" means a member of the Commission. (4) "District" means the Bexar Healthcare Funding District. (5) "Institutional Health Care Provider" means all nonpublic general acute care hospitals in Bexar County licensed under chapter 241 of the Health and Safety Code, as amended. (6) "District Taxpayer" means any persons or entities that paid taxes during the District's fiscal year. Sec. 1104.002. AUTHORITY FOR OPERATION. The District shall levy taxes to generate additional healthcare funding for institutional health care providers within Bexar County. The district operates under the authority of the Legislature's authority to create special districts pursuant to Section 1, Article III, of the Texas Constitution. Sec. 1104.003. DURATION OF THE DISTRICT. The District shall cease to exist on September 1, 2007 unless otherwise provided by amendment to this chapter by the Legislature. Sec. 1104.004. POLITICAL SUBDIVISION. The District is a political subdivision of this state. Sec. 1104.005. DISTRICT TERRITORY. The District is composed of the territory whose boundaries are the same as those of Bexar County. Sec. 1104.006. CORRECTION OF INVALID PROCEDURE. If a court holds that any procedure under this chapter violates the constitution of this state or of the United States, the District by resolution may provide an alternative procedure that conforms with the constitution.
Sec. 1104.050. COMMISSION. The District is governed by a Commission appointed by the Bexar County Commissioners Court. Sec. 1104.051. QUALIFICATION OF COMMISSIONERS. To be eligible to be a Commissioner, a person must: (1) be a United States citizen; (2) be 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment, as applicable; (3) have not been determined mentally incompetent by a final judgment of a court; (4) have not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities; (5) have resided continuously in the state for 12 months and in Bexar County for six months immediately preceding the date of the appointment or election, as applicable; and (6) be a person knowledgeable in the health care field. Sec. 1104.052. TERM: APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS. Commissioners serve terms of two years. The Bexar County Commissioners Court shall appoint Commissioners, that meet the qualification of Sec. 1104.51. Sec. 1104.053. VACANCY. If a vacancy occurs on the Commission, the Bexar County Commissioners Court shall appoint an alternative Commissioner who meets the qualification criteria of Section 1104.051. In the event the Bexar County Commissioners Court fails to appoint a replacement Commissioner within one month of the vacancy, the remaining Commissioners may appoint a replacement. Sec. 1104.054. OFFICERS. The Commissioner shall elect a president and a secretary from among the Commissioners to serve until the next Commissioners' election. Sec. 1104.055. COMPENSATION; EXPENSES. A Commissioner serves without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of official duties on the approval of the expenses by the Commission. Sec. 1104.056. EMPLOYEES/INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. The Commission may employ an attorney, financial advisor, or bookkeeper or contract for those services. Sec. 1104.057. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS: PUBLIC INSPECTION. All District records, including books, accounts, notices, minutes, and all other matters of the district and the operation of its facilities, shall be: (1) maintained at the District office: and (2) open to public inspection at the District office at all reasonable hours.
Sec. 1104.100. DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITY. (a) The District shall levy taxes solely as provided in this chapter. (b) The District may not levy any taxes in any year without the approval of a majority of the Commission. Sec. 1104.101. MAJORITY REQUIRED. (a) To act or spend funds to cover administrative expenses, the District must have an affirmative vote by a majority of the Commissioners, subject to the limitations of subsection (b) of this section. (b) To spend funds unrelated to covering administrative cost, the District must have an affirmative vote by a majority of the Commissioners and a supermajority affirmative vote of 95% of the District Taxpayers. Sec. 1104.102. RULES. The Commission may adopt rules governing the operation of the District, including the taxing mechanism that is written to comport with the requirements of this chapter. Sec. 1104.103. PURCHASING AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES. (a) The Commission may prescribe the method and manner for making purchases and expenditures by the District. (b) The Commission shall prescribe: (1) all accounting and control procedures; and (2) the method of purchasing necessary supplies, materials, and equipment. Sec. 1104.104. INSTITUTIONAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDER REPORTING; INSPECTION OF RECORDS. (a) The District shall require all institutional health care providers to submit copies of their annual surveys as amended and filed with the Department of State Health Services. (b) The District may inspect the records of an institutional health care provider necessary to ensure that the provider reports all data required under this chapter. Sec. 1104.105. AUTHORITY TO SUE AND BE SUED. As a governmental agency, the District may sue and be sued in its own name in any court of this state.
Sec. 1104.150. BUDGET. (a) Each year, the Commission shall prepare a budget showing for the following fiscal year: (a) the proposed expenditures and disbursements; (b) the estimated receipts and collections; and (c) the amount of taxes required to be imposed during the year. (b) The Commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget. At least 10 days before the date of hearing, at least one notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. (c) Any District Taxpayer is entitled to appear at the time and place designated in the notice and to be heard regarding any item shown in the proposed budget. Sec. 1104.151. FISCAL YEAR. The District's fiscal year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31. Sec. 1104.152. ANNUAL AUDIT. (a) For each fiscal year, the Commission shall have an independent audit made of the District's books and records. (b) Not later than December 31 each year, the audit shall be filed with the comptroller and at the District office. Sec. 1104.153. DEPOSITORY. (a) The Commission by resolution shall designate one or more banks in the District as the District's depository or treasurer. A designated bank serves for two years and until a successor is designated. (b) All income received by the District, including tax revenue after deducting discounts and fees for assessing and collecting the taxes, shall be deposited with the District depository and may be withdrawn only as provided by this chapter. (c) All District funds shall be secured in the manner provided for securing county funds.
Sec. 1104.200. TAXES ON INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS. (a) The Commission may impose a tax on all institutional health care providers. The tax shall be based on the total number of emergency room visits reported by each institutional health care provider on its 2002 hospital fiscal year annual survey. The District shall update this tax basis with the number of emergency room visits reported by each institutional health care provider in the Annual Survey for hospital fiscal year 2006 and every four years thereafter. The tax shall not exceed $100.00 per emergency room visit. (b) Any tax levied under subsection (a) must be imposed broadly and uniformly for all institutional health care providers and not hold harmless any institutional health care provider, as required under 42 U.S.C. section 1396b(w), as amended. (c) The Commission may set a rate for the tax under this section that is sufficient to cover its administrative expenses and to provide inpatient and outpatient healthcare services within the District. Such administrative expenses shall not exceed the lesser of 4% of the tax or $20,000 per year. (d) No tax imposed under subsection (a) shall be assessed as a surcharge to any patient. Sec. 1104.201. APPOINTMENT OF TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR. (a) The county tax assessor and collector shall collect the tax imposed under this subchapter unless the Commission appoints a tax assessor and collector under Section 285.041 of the Health and Safety Code. (b) The county tax assessor and collector shall charge and deduct from payments to the district a fee for imposing the tax in an amount determined by the Commission not to exceed the lesser of one percent of the amount collected or $5,000 for the fiscal year. The fees for imposing the tax shall be deposited in the county's general fund and shall be reported as fees of the tax assessor and collector. Sec. 1104.202. INTEREST, PENALTIES, AND DISCOUNTS. Interest, penalties, and discounts on taxes paid to the District shall be the same as for county taxes. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This Act shall take effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2005.