79R7900 MFC-F

By:  Phillips                                                     H.B. No. 2624

relating to disclosure by an appraisal district to a property owner of information regarding the appraisal of the person's property, including comparable sales information. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 25.195, Tax Code, is amended by adding Subsection (f) to read as follows: (f) On request of a property owner or the owner's designated agent to inspect and copy appraisal records under Subsection (a) or on request of the owner or agent made at any time to obtain information relating to sales of property similar to the property owner's property that were used in the appraisal of the property owner's property, the chief appraiser shall provide the owner with information relating to not fewer than three sales of similar property used in the appraisal of the property of the owner. If fewer than three sales of similar property were used in the appraisal of the property or the appraisal was made without using information relating to sales of similar property, the chief appraiser shall provide the owner or agent with a statement to that effect and include information relating to each sale of similar property that was used in the appraisal and, if applicable, an explanation of the method other than the comparable sales method used to appraise the property. If the owner or agent requests the information in preparation for an appraisal review board hearing under Chapter 41, the chief appraiser shall provide the owner or agent with the information not later than the seventh day before the date scheduled for the hearing. For purposes of this section, the information provided to a property owner or the property owner's designated agent relating to a sale of property must include at least a general description of the property, its location, and the sales price or other consideration for the sale. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.