79R10721 CLG-D

By:  Hartnett                                                     H.B. No. 2750

Substitute the following for H.B. No. 2750:                                   

By:  Hartnett                                                 C.S.H.B. No. 2750

relating to certain identifying information provided in connection with a decedent's estate or guardianship. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 3, Texas Probate Code, is amended by adding Subsection (nn) to read as follows: (nn) "Identifying financial information" means a tax identification number or information, other than an individual's name, address, or driver's license number, that can be used to access an account at a bank, brokerage firm, or other financial institution, including an account number or a verification of that account number. SECTION 2. Chapter I, Texas Probate Code, is amended by adding Section 36A to read as follows: Sec. 36A. ACCESS TO CERTAIN IDENTIFYING INFORMATION MAINTAINED IN JUDICIAL RECORDS. (a) Notwithstanding Rule 12, Texas Rules of Judicial Administration, identifying information maintained under Section 36(b) of this code and identifying financial information ordered to be maintained in the judicial records under Section 250A, 399, or 405 of this code are confidential and may be used, inspected, or copied only by: (1) the personal representative of the decedent; (2) the person to whom the information pertains; or (3) a person authorized to use, inspect, or copy the information by a court order issued under this section. (b) On written application, the court, with or without a hearing, may enter an order that authorizes the following persons to use, inspect, or copy another person's identifying financial information or other identifying information maintained in the judicial records of the court under Section 36(b), 250A, 399, or 405 of this code: (1) an attorney or attorney ad litem; (2) a party to a proceeding involving the decedent or the decedent's estate; (3) an heir or devisee of the decedent; (4) law enforcement personnel; or (5) any other person requesting access to the information. (c) A judge may not issue an order authorizing a person described by Subsection (b)(5) of this section to have access to another person's identifying financial information or other kind of identifying information unless the judge finds that the person has shown good cause for the use, inspection, or copying of the information. (d) The court may charge the applicant a reasonable fee not to exceed actual costs for any copies provided under this section. (e) To the extent that this section conflicts with the Texas Rules of Judicial Administration or other rules, this section controls. Notwithstanding Section 22.003, Government Code, the supreme court may not amend or adopt rules in conflict with this section. SECTION 3. Part 1, Chapter VIII, Texas Probate Code, is amended by adding Section 250A to read as follows: Sec. 250A. LIMITED ACCESS TO IDENTIFYING FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (a) On written application by the personal representative of or a person interested in the estate, the court may order and direct that identifying financial information of a decedent or a decedent's estate that is required to be furnished for purposes of the inventory under this part must be maintained in the judicial files of the court. Identifying financial information that is the subject of an order entered under this subsection may not be filed with the clerk. (b) An order issued under Subsection (a) of this section must be accompanied by an information sheet containing the identifying financial information referred to in the order and the corresponding account information. As soon as practicable after the date the judge issues the order, the personal representative shall attach to the inventory and appraisement a statement specifying that identifying financial information relevant to information contained in the inventory and appraisement is being held in the judicial records of the court. (c) Except as otherwise provided by the court, an order issued under Subsection (a) of this section is a standing order applicable to any supplemental inventory and appraisement filed under this part. SECTION 4. Section 399, Texas Probate Code, is amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows: (e) Identifying Financial Information. (1) On written application by the personal representative of or a person interested in the estate, the court may order and direct that identifying financial information of a decedent or a decedent's estate that is required to be furnished for purposes of an annual account required under this section must be maintained in the judicial files of the court. Identifying financial information that is the subject of an order entered under this subsection may not be filed with the clerk. (2) An order issued under Subdivision (1) of this subsection must be accompanied by an information sheet containing the identifying financial information referred to in the order and the corresponding account information. As soon as practicable after the date the court issues the order, the personal representative shall attach to the account a statement specifying that identifying financial information relevant to information contained in the account is being held in the judicial records of the court. (3) Except as otherwise provided by the court, an order issued under Subdivision (1) of this subsection is a standing order that applies to all subsequent accounts filed by representatives of estates under this section. The personal representative must attach the statement described by Subdivision (2) of this subsection to each subsequent account. SECTION 5. Section 405, Texas Probate Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 405. ACCOUNT FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES OF DECEDENTS. (a) When administration of the estate of a decedent is to be settled and closed, the personal representative of such estate shall present to the court his verified account for final settlement. In such account it shall be sufficient to refer to the inventory without describing each item of property in detail, and to refer to and adopt any and all proceedings had in the administration concerning sales, renting or hiring, leasing for mineral development, or any other transactions on behalf of the estate including exhibits, accounts, and vouchers previously filed and approved, without restating the particular items thereof. Each final account, however, shall be accompanied by proper vouchers in support of each item thereof not already accounted for and shall show, either by reference to any proceedings authorized above or by statement of the facts: 1. The property belonging to the estate which has come into the hands of the executor or administrator. 2. The disposition that has been made of such property. 3. The debts that have been paid. 4. The debts and expenses, if any, still owing by the estate. 5. The property of the estate, if any, still remaining on hand. 6. The persons entitled to receive such estate, their relationship to the decedent, and their residence, if known, and whether adults or minors, and, if minors, the names of their guardians, if any. 7. All advancements or payments that have been made, if any, by the executor or administrator from such estate to any such person. 8. The tax returns due that have been filed and the taxes due and owing that have been paid and a complete account of the amount of taxes, the date the taxes were paid, and the governmental entity to which the taxes were paid. 9. If any tax return due to be filed or any taxes due to be paid are delinquent on the filing of the account, a description of the delinquency and the reasons for the delinquency. 10. The personal representative has paid all required bond premiums. (b) On written application by the personal representative of or any person interested in the estate, the court may order and direct that identifying financial information of a decedent or a decedent's estate that is required to be furnished for purposes of the final account required under this section must be maintained in the judicial files of the court. Identifying financial information that is the subject of an order entered under this subsection may not be filed with the clerk. (c) An order issued under Subsection (b) of this section must be accompanied by an information sheet containing the identifying financial information referred to in the order and the corresponding account information. As soon as practicable after the date the court issues the order, the personal representative shall attach to the final account a statement specifying that identifying financial information relevant to information contained in the final account is being held in the judicial records of the court. SECTION 6. Section 601, Texas Probate Code, is amended by adding Subdivision (13-a) to read as follows: (13-a) "Identifying financial information" means a tax identification number or information, other than an individual's name, address, or driver's license number, that can be used to access an account at a bank, brokerage firm, or other financial institution, including an account number or a verification of that account number. SECTION 7. Subpart I, Part 2, Chapter XIII, Texas Probate Code, is amended by adding Section 671A to read as follows: Sec. 671A. ACCESS TO CERTAIN IDENTIFYING INFORMATION MAINTAINED IN JUDICIAL RECORDS. (a) Notwithstanding Rule 12, Texas Rules of Judicial Administration, identifying information maintained under Section 671(e) of this code and identifying financial information ordered to be maintained in the judicial records under Section 729A, 741, 749, or 871 of this code are confidential and may be used, inspected, or copied only by: (1) the guardian of the ward, if the information is identifying information of the ward; (2) the ward or other person to whom the information pertains; or (3) a person authorized to use, inspect, or copy the information by a court order issued under this section. (b) On written application, the court, with or without a hearing, may enter an order that authorizes the following persons to use, inspect, or copy another person's identifying financial information or other identifying information maintained in the judicial records of the court under Section 671(e), 729A, 741, 729, or 871 of this code: (1) an attorney, attorney ad litem, guardian, or guardian ad litem; (2) a party to a proceeding involving the ward or the ward's estate; (3) law enforcement personnel; or (4) any other person requesting access to the information. (c) A judge may not issue an order authorizing a person described by Subsection (b)(4) of this section to have access to another person's identifying financial information or other kind of identifying information unless the judge finds that the person has shown good cause for the use, inspection, or copying of the information. (d) The court may charge the applicant a reasonable fee not to exceed actual costs for any copies provided under this section. (e) To the extent that this section conflicts with the Texas Rules of Judicial Administration or other rules, this section controls. Notwithstanding Section 22.003, Government Code, the supreme court may not amend or adopt rules in conflict with this section. SECTION 8. Subpart A, Part 4, Chapter XIII, Texas Probate Code, is amended by adding Section 729A to read as follows: Sec. 729A. LIMITED ACCESS TO IDENTIFYING FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (a) On written application by the ward's guardian or a person interested in the welfare of the ward, the court may order and direct that identifying financial information of a ward or the ward's estate that is required to be furnished for purposes of the inventory under this part must be maintained in the judicial files of the court. Identifying financial information that is the subject of an order entered under this subsection may not be filed with the clerk. (b) An order issued under Subsection (a) of this section must be accompanied by an information sheet containing the identifying financial information referred to in the order and the corresponding account information. As soon as practicable after the date the judge issues the order, the guardian of the estate shall attach to the inventory and appraisement a statement specifying that identifying financial information relevant to information contained in the inventory and appraisement is being held in the judicial records of the court. (c) Except as otherwise provided by the court, an order issued under Subsection (a) of this section is a standing order applicable to any supplemental inventory and appraisement filed under this part. SECTION 9. Section 741, Texas Probate Code, is amended by adding Subsections (h), (i), and (j) to read as follows: (h) On written application by the ward's guardian or a person interested in the welfare of the ward, the court may order and direct that identifying financial information of a ward or the ward's estate that is required to be furnished for purposes of an annual account required under this section must be maintained in the judicial files of the court. Identifying financial information that is the subject of an order entered under this subsection may not be filed with the clerk. (i) An order issued under Subsection (h) of this section must be accompanied by an information sheet containing the identifying financial information referred to in the order and the corresponding account information. As soon as practicable after the date the court issues the order, the guardian of the estate shall attach to the account a statement specifying that identifying financial information relevant to information contained in the account is being held in the judicial records of the court. (j) Except as otherwise provided by the court, an order issued under Subsection (h) of this section is a standing order that applies to all subsequent accounts filed under this section. The guardian must attach the statement described by Subsection (i) of this section to each subsequent account. SECTION 10. Section 749, Texas Probate Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 749. ACCOUNT FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES OF WARDS. (a) When a guardianship of the estate is required to be settled, the guardian shall present to the court the guardian's verified account for final settlement. In the account it shall be sufficient to refer to the inventory without describing each item of property in detail and to refer to and adopt any and all guardianship proceedings that concern sales, renting or hiring, leasing for mineral development, or any other transaction on behalf of the guardianship estate, including an exhibit, account, or voucher previously filed and approved, without restating the particular items. Each final account shall be accompanied by proper vouchers in support of each item not already accounted for and shall show, either by reference to any proceedings authorized above or by statement of the facts: (1) the property, rents, revenues, and profits received by the guardian, and belonging to the ward, during the term of the guardianship; (2) the disposition made of the property, rents, revenues, and profits; (3) the expenses and debts against the estate that remain unpaid, if any; (4) the property of the estate that remains in the hands of the guardian, if any; (5) that the guardian has paid all required bond premiums; (6) the tax returns the guardian has filed during the guardianship; (7) the amount of taxes the ward owed during the guardianship that the guardian has paid; (8) a complete account of the taxes the guardian has paid during the guardianship, including the amount of the taxes, the date the guardian paid the taxes, and the name of the governmental entity to which the guardian paid the taxes; (9) a description of all current delinquencies in the filing of tax returns and the payment of taxes and a reason for each delinquency; and (10) other facts as appear necessary to a full and definite understanding of the exact condition of the guardianship. (b) On written application by the ward's guardian or any person interested in the welfare of the ward, the court may order and direct that identifying financial information of a ward or the ward's estate that is required to be furnished for purposes of the final account required under this section must be maintained in the judicial files of the court. Identifying financial information that is the subject of an order entered under this subsection may not be filed with the clerk. (c) An order issued under Subsection (b) of this section must be accompanied by an information sheet containing the identifying financial information referred to in the order and the corresponding account information. As soon as practicable after the date the court issues the order, the guardian of the estate shall attach to the final account a statement specifying that identifying financial information relevant to information contained in the final account is being held in the judicial records of the court. SECTION 11. Section 871, Texas Probate Code, is amended by adding Subsections (d), (e), and (f) to read as follows: (d) On written application by the trustee or a person interested in the welfare of the ward, the court may order and direct that identifying financial information of a ward or the ward's estate that is required to be furnished for purposes of an annual accounting required under this section must be maintained in the judicial files of the court. Identifying financial information that is the subject of an order entered under this subsection may not be filed with the clerk. (e) An order issued under Subsection (d) of this section must be accompanied by an information sheet containing the identifying financial information referred to in the order and the corresponding account information. As soon as practicable after the date the court issues the order, the trustee shall attach to the annual account a statement specifying that identifying financial information relevant to information contained in the account is being held in the judicial records of the court. (f) Except as otherwise provided by the court, an order issued under Subsection (d) of this section is a standing order that applies to all subsequent annual accounts filed under this section. The trustee must attach the statement described by Subsection (e) of this section to each subsequent account. SECTION 12. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.