79R9168 HLT-F

By:  Truitt                                                       H.B. No. 2765

relating to the definition of a legally authorized representative under the Texas Hospital Licensing Law. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 241.151(5), Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: (5) "Legally authorized representative" means: (A) a parent or legal guardian if the patient is a minor; (B) [,] a legal guardian if the patient has been adjudicated incapacitated to manage the patient's personal affairs; (C) [,] an agent of the patient authorized under a durable power of attorney for health care; (D) [,] an attorney ad litem appointed for the patient; (E) a person authorized to consent to medical treatment on behalf of the patient under Chapter 313; (F) [,] a guardian ad litem appointed for the patient; (G) [,] a personal representative or heir of the patient, as defined by Section 3, Texas Probate Code, [statutory beneficiary] if the patient is deceased; (H) [,] an attorney retained by the patient or by the patient's legally authorized representative; or (I) a person exercising a power granted to the person in the person's capacity as [, or] an attorney–in–fact or agent of the patient by a statutory durable power of attorney that is signed by the patient as principal. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.