By:  Uresti (Senate Sponsor - Ellis)                              H.B. No. 2856
	(In the Senate - Received from the House May 10, 2005; 
May 12, 2005, read first time and referred to Committee on 
Government Organization; May 17, 2005, reported favorably by the 
following vote:  Yeas 7, Nays 0; May 17, 2005, sent to printer.)

relating to the repeal of the regulation of career counseling services. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 2502, Occupations Code, is repealed. SECTION 2. (a) A certificate of authority issued under Chapter 2502, Occupations Code, in effect on the effective date of this Act expires on that date. A bond filed or money deposited by the holder of a certificate of authority under Section 2502.053, Occupations Code, as that section existed before being repealed by this Act, shall be returned to the certificate holder by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation not later than the 30th day after the effective date of this Act. (b) A proceeding under Chapter 2502, Occupations Code, including a complaint investigation, disciplinary action, and administrative penalty proceeding, pending on the effective date of this Act is terminated on that date. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2005.
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