By:  Strama (Senate Sponsor - Barrientos)                         H.B. No. 3029
	(In the Senate - Received from the House May 11, 2005; 
May 13, 2005, read first time and referred to Committee on Natural 
Resources; May 20, 2005, reported favorably by the following vote:  
Yeas 9, Nays 0; May 20, 2005, sent to printer.)

relating to eligibility of certain rural areas for certain state assistance. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. The heading to Subchapter O, Chapter 15, Water Code, is amended to read as follows:
SECTION 2. Section 15.901, Water Code, is amended by amending Subdivisions (1) and (3) and adding Subdivision (4) to read as follows: (1) "Fund" means the disadvantaged rural community water and wastewater financial assistance [loan] fund. (3) "Rural community" means: (A) a municipality or county with a population of less than 5,000; [or] (B) any portion of a political subdivision [district or authority created under Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution,] with a service population of less than 5,000 that is located outside the boundaries or extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality; or (C) a predominately residential area with a population of less than 5,000 that is located outside the corporate boundaries of a municipality. (4) "Disadvantaged rural community" means a rural community with a median household income that is not greater than 75 percent of the median state household income for the most recent year for which the applicable statistics are available. SECTION 3. The heading to Section 15.902, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.902. DISADVANTAGED RURAL COMMUNITY WATER AND WASTEWATER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE [LOAN] FUND. SECTION 4. Section 15.902(a), Water Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The disadvantaged rural community water and wastewater financial assistance [loan] fund is an account in the water assistance fund. SECTION 5. Sections 15.903(a), (b), and (d), Water Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) The fund may be used by the board to provide grants or loans of financial assistance to political subdivisions or water supply corporations [rural communities] for the construction, acquisition, or improvement of water and wastewater projects to provide service to disadvantaged rural communities. (b) The board may make financial assistance available to a political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community] by entering into a grant agreement or a loan agreement and promissory note with the subdivision or corporation [rural community], as provided by this subchapter. A political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community] may apply for and accept the financial assistance. (d) The loan agreement must provide for the issuance of a promissory note payable to the board to evidence the obligation of the political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community] to repay the loan made in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement. SECTION 6. Section 15.904(a), Water Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) A political subdivision or water supply corporation may pledge a percentage of its revenue to the payment of debt incurred under a loan agreement entered into with the board under this subchapter. A [rural community that is a] municipality or county may pledge a percentage of the sales and use tax revenue received under Chapter 321 or 323, Tax Code, as applicable, to the payment of debt incurred under a loan agreement entered into with the board under this subchapter if a majority of the voters voting at an election called and held for that purpose authorize the municipality or county to pledge a portion of that revenue for that purpose. SECTION 7. Section 15.905, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.905. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF LOAN AGREEMENT BY ATTORNEY GENERAL. (a) Before a loan agreement may become effective, a record of the proceedings of the board and the political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community] authorizing the execution of the loan agreement, the loan agreement, the promissory note, and any contract providing revenue or security to pay the promissory note must be submitted to the attorney general for review and approval. (b) If the attorney general finds that the loan agreement and the promissory note are valid and binding obligations of the political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community], the attorney general shall approve the documents and deliver them to the comptroller, the board, and the subdivision or corporation [rural community], together with a copy of the attorney general's legal opinion stating that approval. SECTION 8. Section 15.909, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.909. RULES. The board shall adopt necessary rules to administer this subchapter, including rules establishing procedures for application for and award of loans or grants. SECTION 9. Section 15.910, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.910. APPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCE. (a) In an application to the board for financial assistance from the fund, a political subdivision or water supply corporation [the rural community] must include: (1) its [the] name [of the rural community] and its principal officers; (2) a citation of the law under which the subdivision or corporation [the rural community] operates and was created; (3) a description of the water or wastewater project for which the financial assistance will be used; (4) the total cost of the project; (5) the amount of state financial assistance requested; (6) the plan for repaying any loan provided by the board for [the total cost of] the project; and (7) any other information the board requires in order to perform its duties and to protect the public interest. (b) The board may not accept an application for a loan or grant of financial assistance from the fund unless it is submitted in affidavit form by the officials of the political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community]. The board shall prescribe the affidavit form in its rules. (c) If a political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community] has a program of water conservation, the subdivision or corporation [rural community] shall state in the application that the subdivision or corporation [rural community] has such a program. (d) In an application to the board for financial assistance from the fund, a political subdivision or water supply corporation shall include household surveys for the disadvantaged rural community to be served by the project that are acceptable to the board and contain information adequate to establish: (1) the median household income of the disadvantaged rural community; and (2) the level of community support for the project. SECTION 10. Section 15.911, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.911. FINDINGS REGARDING PERMITS. (a) The board may not release funds for the construction phase of that portion of a project that proposes surface water or groundwater development until the executive administrator makes a written finding: (1) that the political subdivision or water supply corporation [a rural community] proposing surface water development has the necessary water right authorizing it to appropriate and use the water that the project will provide; or (2) that the subdivision or corporation [a rural community] proposing groundwater development has the right to use water that the project will provide. (b) If the political subdivision or water supply corporation [a rural community] includes a proposal for a wastewater treatment project, the board may not release funds for the project construction until the subdivision or corporation [rural community] has received a permit for the construction and operation of the project and approval of the plans and specifications for the project in a manner that will satisfy commission requirements for design criteria and permit conditions that apply to construction activities. SECTION 11. Section 15.912, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.912. CONSIDERATIONS IN ACTING ON APPLICATION. In acting on an application for financial assistance, the board shall consider: (1) the needs of the area to be served by the project and the benefit of the project to the area in relation to the needs of other areas requiring state assistance in any manner and the benefits of those projects to the other areas; (2) the availability of revenue to the political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community] from all sources for any necessary [the ultimate] repayment of the cost of the project, including all interest; (3) the relationship of the project to overall statewide needs; and (4) any other factors that the board considers relevant. SECTION 12. Section 15.913, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.913. APPROVAL OF APPLICATION. The board by resolution may approve an application for a loan or grant if, after considering the factors listed in Section 15.912 and any other relevant factors, the board finds that: (1) the public interest requires state participation in the project; and (2) the revenue or taxes pledged by the political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community] will be sufficient to meet all the obligations assumed by the subdivision or corporation [rural community] during the [succeeding] period of any loan provided by the board [not more than 20 years]. SECTION 13. Section 15.914, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.914. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS. A political subdivision or water supply corporation [The governing body of each rural community] receiving financial assistance [from the board] under this subchapter shall require in all contracts for the construction of a project that: (1) each bidder furnish a bid guarantee equivalent to five percent of the bid price; (2) each contractor awarded a construction contract furnish performance and payment bonds as follows: (A) the performance bond must include guarantees that work done under the contract will be completed and performed according to approved plans and specifications and in accordance with sound construction principles and practices; and (B) the performance and payment bonds must be in a penal sum of not less than 100 percent of the contract price and remain in effect for one year after the date of approval by the engineer of the [political] subdivision or corporation; (3) payment be made in partial payments as the work progresses; (4) each partial payment not exceed 95 percent of the amount due at the time of the payment as shown by the engineer of the project, but, if the project is substantially complete, a partial release of the five percent retainage may be made by the subdivision or corporation [rural community] with approval of the executive administrator; (5) payment of the retainage remaining due on completion of the contract be made only after: (A) approval by the engineer for the subdivision or corporation [rural community] as required under the bond proceedings; (B) approval by the subdivision or corporation [governing body of the rural community] by a resolution or other formal action; and (C) certification by the executive administrator in accordance with the rules of the board that the work to be done under the contract has been completed and performed in a satisfactory manner and in accordance with sound engineering principles and practices; (6) no valid approval be granted unless the work done under the contract has been completed and performed in a satisfactory manner according to approved plans and specifications; and (7) labor from inside the disadvantaged rural community be used to the extent possible. SECTION 14. Section 15.915, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.915. FILING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. The political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community] shall file with the board a certified copy of each construction contract it enters into for the construction of all or part of a project. Each contract must contain or have attached to it the specifications, plans, and details of all work included in the contract. SECTION 15. Section 15.917, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.917. ALTERATION OF PLANS. After the executive administrator approves the engineering plans, a political subdivision or water supply corporation [rural community] may not make any substantial or material alteration in the plans unless the executive administrator authorizes the alteration. The executive administrator [board] shall review and approve or disapprove plans and specifications for all sewage collection, treatment, and disposal systems for which financial assistance is provided from the fund in a manner that will satisfy commission requirements for design criteria and permit conditions that apply to construction activities. SECTION 16. Section 15.920, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.920. AUTHORITY OF POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATIONS [RURAL COMMUNITIES]. Political subdivisions or water supply corporations [Rural communities] that receive financial assistance from the fund are granted all necessary authority to enter into grant agreements or loan agreements and issue promissory notes in connection with the financial assistance granted under this subchapter. SECTION 17. The following sections are repealed: (1) Section 15.901(2), Water Code; (2) Section 15.903(e), Water Code; and (3) Section 15.919, Water Code. SECTION 18. The changes in law made by this Act apply only to an application for financial assistance made on or after the effective date of this Act. An application for financial assistance made before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the application was made, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. SECTION 19. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2005.
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