79R7590 MCK-F

By:  Corte                                                        H.B. No. 3302

relating to the membership of the Texas Military Preparedness Commission. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 436.051, Government Code, as renumbered from Section 436.003, Government Code, by Section 3, Chapter 149, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, and Section 436.003, Government Code, as amended by Section 8, Chapter 1328, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, are reenacted and amended to read as follows: Sec. 436.051. COMPOSITION; ELIGIBILITY. (a) The commission is composed of: (1) 13 [nine] public members, appointed by the governor; and (2) the following ex officio members: (A) the chair of the committee of the Texas House of Representatives that has primary jurisdiction of matters concerning defense affairs and state-federal relations; and (B) one member of the Texas Senate appointed by the lieutenant governor. (b) To be eligible for appointment as a public member to the commission, a person must have demonstrated experience in economic development, the defense industry, military installation operation, environmental issues, finance, local government, or the use of airspace or outer space for future military missions. (c) Appointments to the commission shall be made without regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or national origin of the appointee. SECTION 2. Section 436.052(a), Government Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The 13 [nine] public members of the commission serve staggered terms of six years with the terms of four or five [one-third of the] members expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered year. A legislative member vacates the person's position on the commission if the person ceases to be the chair of the applicable legislative committee. SECTION 3. Section 436.101, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 436.101. POWERS AND DUTIES OF COMMISSION. The commission shall: (1) advise the governor and the legislature on military issues and economic and industrial development related to military issues; (2) make recommendations regarding: (A) the development of policies and plans to support the long-term viability and prosperity of the military, active and civilian, in this state, including promoting strategic regional alliances that may extend over state lines; and (B) [the development of methods to improve private and public employment opportunities for former members of the military residing in this state; and [(C)] the development of methods to assist defense-dependent communities in the design and execution of programs that enhance a community's relationship with military installations and defense-related businesses; (3) [develop and maintain a database of the names and public business information of all prime contractors and subcontractors operating in this state who perform defense-related work; [(4)] provide information to communities, the legislature, the state's congressional delegation, and state agencies regarding federal actions affecting military installations and missions; (4) [(5)] serve as a clearinghouse for: (A) defense economic adjustment and transition information and activities along with the Texas Business and Community Economic Development Clearinghouse; and (B) information about: (i) issues related to the operating costs, missions, and strategic value of federal military installations located in the state; (ii) employment issues for communities that depend on defense bases and in defense-related businesses; and (iii) defense strategies and incentive programs that other states are using to maintain, expand, and attract new defense contractors; (5) [(6)] provide assistance to communities that have experienced a defense-related closure or realignment; (6) [(7)] assist communities in the design and execution of programs that enhance a community's relationship with military installations and defense-related businesses, including regional alliances that may extend over state lines; (7) [(8)] assist communities in the retention and recruiting of defense-related businesses, including fostering strategic regional alliances that may extend over state lines; [(9) prepare a biennial strategic plan that: [(A) fosters the enhancement of military value of the contributions of Texas military installations to national defense strategies; [(B) considers all current and anticipated base realignment and closure criteria; and [(C) develops strategies to protect the state's existing military missions and positions the state to be competitive for new and expanded military missions;] and (8) [(10)] encourage economic development in this state by fostering the development of industries related to defense affairs. SECTION 4. Sections 436.103(b) and (d), Government Code, are amended to read as follows: (b) Not later than July 1 of each even-numbered year, the commission shall prepare and submit a report to the governor and the legislature about the active military installations, communities that depend on military installations, and defense-related businesses in this state. The commission may update the report in an odd-numbered year. The report must include: (1) an economic impact statement describing in detail the effect of the military on the economy of this state; (2) a statewide assessment of active military installations and current missions; (3) a statewide strategy to attract new military missions and defense-related business and include specific actions that add military value to existing military installations; (4) a list of state and federal activities that have significant impact on active military installations and current missions; (5) a statement identifying: (A) the state and federal programs and services that assist communities impacted by military base closures or realignments and the efforts to coordinate those programs; and (B) the efforts to coordinate state agency programs and services that assist communities in retaining active military installations and current missions; (6) an evaluation of initiatives to retain existing defense-related businesses; and (7) a list of agencies with regulations, policies, programs, or services that impact the operating costs or strategic value of federal military installations and activities in the state. (d) The commission shall periodically meet [coordinate annual meetings] with [the head of] each state agency that has defense-related programs or is engaged in a project in a defense-dependent community and with each [or] member of the legislature whose district contains an active, closed, or realigned military installation to discuss defense-related issues and the implementation of the recommendations outlined in the report required under Subsection (b). SECTION 5. The heading to Section 436.152, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 436.152. ANALYSIS OF PROJECTS THAT ADD MILITARY VALUE; FINANCING. SECTION 6. Subchapter D, Chapter 436, Government Code, is amended by adding Section 436.1521 to read as follows: Sec. 436.1521. ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS; FINANCING. (a) A defense community may submit the community's economic redevelopment value statement prepared under Chapter 397, Local Government Code, to the commission. (b) On receiving a defense community's economic redevelopment value statement, the commission shall analyze the projects included in the statement using the criteria it has developed. The commission shall develop project analysis criteria to determine the potential economic impact a project will have on the defense community. (c) The commission shall determine whether each project identified in the defense community's economic redevelopment value statement will have a positive economic impact on the defense community. The commission shall assist the community in prioritizing the projects according to the greatest potential positive economic impact to the defense community. (d) The commission shall refer the defense community to the appropriate state agency that has an existing program to provide financing for each project identified in the community's economic redevelopment value statement. If there is no existing program to finance a project, the commission may provide a loan of financial assistance to the defense community for the project. SECTION 7. Subchapter D, Chapter 436, Government Code, is amended by adding Section 436.1531 to read as follows: Sec. 436.1531. LOANS FOR COMMUNITIES ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY DEFENSE BASE REDUCTION. (a) The commission may provide a loan of financial assistance to a defense community for an economic development project that minimizes the negative effects of a defense base reduction on the defense community. The loan shall be made from the Texas military value revolving loan account established under Section 436.156. (b) On receiving an application for a loan under this section, the commission shall evaluate the economic development project to determine how the project will minimize the negative effects of a defense base reduction on the defense community, including the number of jobs that the project will create and the economic impact the project will have on the community. (c) If the commission determines that a project will reduce the negative effects of a defense base reduction on the defense community, the commission shall: (1) analyze the creditworthiness of the defense community to determine the defense community's ability to repay the loan; and (2) evaluate the feasibility of the project to be financed to ensure that the defense community has pledged a source of revenue or taxes sufficient to repay the loan for the project. (d) If the commission determines that the funds will be used to finance an economic development project that will reduce the negative effects of a defense base reduction on the defense community and that the project is financially feasible, the commission may award a loan to the defense community for the project. The commission shall enter into a written agreement with a defense community that is awarded a loan. The agreement must contain the terms and conditions of the loan, including the loan repayment requirements. (e) The commission shall notify the Texas Public Finance Authority of the amount of the loan and the recipient of the loan and request the authority to issue general obligation bonds in an amount necessary to fund the loan. The commission and the authority shall determine the amount and time of a bond issue to best provide funds for one or multiple loans. (f) The commission shall administer the loans to ensure full repayment of the general obligation bonds issued to finance the project. (g) A project financed with a loan under this section must be completed on or before the fifth anniversary of the date the loan is awarded. (h) The amount of a loan under this section may not exceed the total cost of the project. SECTION 8. Chapter 397, Local Government Code, is amended by adding Section 397.0021 to read as follows: Sec. 397.0021. DEFENSE COMMUNITY ECONOMIC REDEVELOPMENT VALUE STATEMENT. (a) A defense community that is adjacent to a closed military installation and applies for financial assistance from the Texas military value revolving loan account shall prepare an economic redevelopment value statement that illustrates specific ways the funds will be used to promote economic development in the community and include the following information for each project: (1) the purpose for which financial assistance is requested, including a description of the project; (2) the source of other funds for the project; (3) a statement on how the project will promote economic development in the community; (4) whether any portion of the project is to occur on a closed military installation; (5) whether any approval has been obtained from those authorities retaining or receiving title to that portion of the closed installation to be affected by the project; (6) whether the project will have any negative impact on the natural or cultural environment; and (7) a description of any known negative factors arising from the project that will affect the defense community. (b) The Texas Military Preparedness Commission may require a defense community to provide any additional information the commission requires to evaluate the community's request for financial assistance under this section. (c) Two or more defense communities near the same defense base that apply for financial assistance from the Texas military value revolving loan account may prepare a joint statement. (d) A copy of the economic redevelopment value statement shall be distributed to the Texas Military Preparedness Commission and any defense community which may be affected by the resulting project. (e) This section does not prohibit a defense community that is not applying for financial assistance from preparing an economic redevelopment value statement under this section. SECTION 9. (a) Not later than October 1, 2005, the governor shall appoint the four additional public members of the Texas Military Preparedness Commission as required by Section 436.051, Government Code, as amended by this Act. The governor shall appoint: (1) one public member to serve a term expiring February 1, 2007; (2) one public member to serve a term expiring February 1, 2009; and (3) two public members to serve terms expiring February 1, 2011. (b) Until all of the members appointed under this section have qualified for office, a quorum of the commission is a majority of the number of members who have qualified for office. SECTION 10. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.