79R2732 JTR-D

By:  Gonzales                                                   H.C.R. No. 41 

WHEREAS, The community of McAllen lost a respected leader on December 12, 2004, when Judge Fidencio M. Guerra, Sr., passed away at the age of 95, but this dedicated public servant's contributions to his fellow Texans will resonate for many years to come; and WHEREAS, Born on August 6, 1909, in Jim Hogg County, Judge Guerra was five years old when he moved with his family to McAllen; and WHEREAS, Judge Guerra graduated from McAllen High School and The University of Texas at Austin before receiving his law license in 1940, and the following year he met and married his wife, Estela Margo, who would remain his constant companion until her death in 1999; with her, he raised seven children, including the late Diana Guerra; and WHEREAS, During World War II, Judge Guerra served his country as an officer of the State Department, and his postings included Bogota, Colombia, and Madrid, Spain; and WHEREAS, After returning to McAllen, he served as a justice of the peace before being appointed an assistant attorney general for the State of Texas and then as presiding judge of the 139th District Court in Edinburg, becoming one of the first Hispanics in the state judiciary, and he would continue to serve as judge for the next 26 years; and WHEREAS, A vital and valued member of the community, Judge Guerra was an active participant in numerous civic organizations, including the Knights of Columbus, the Order of the Alhambra, and the McAllen Rotary Club, and he also drew great strength and sustenance from his fellow worshipers at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church; and WHEREAS, Though his fellow South Texans are saddened at Judge Guerra's passing, they can also derive great inspiration from what was clearly a life well lived; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby pay tribute to the memory of Judge Fidencio M. Guerra, Sr., and extend sincere sympathy to his children and their spouses, Robert Guerra, Carlos and Susie Guerra, Fidencio Guerra, Jr., and Mary Lou Love, Brenda Guerra Brooke and Bennett Brooke, Judy Guerra Arnold, and Dr. Daniel J. Guerra; to his sister-in-law, Sister Marian Frances Margo; to his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren; and to his other relatives and many friends and colleagues; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in memory of the Honorable Fidencio M. Guerra, Sr.