79R5290 JLZ-D

By:  Berman                                                     H.C.R. No. 53 

WHEREAS, The education of our children and young people is not an isolated activity that occurs solely within the confines of a classroom, laboratory, or auditorium, but rather is an ongoing process that encompasses the whole of their individual experiences during the formative school-age years; and WHEREAS, Consequently, much of what a child or young adult experiences outside the classroom can have a significant impact on that individual's ability and readiness as a student to engage in the academic activities that take place inside the classroom; and WHEREAS, A troubled youth beset by problems outside of school will, in many instances, find it difficult to set aside those problems once inside the classroom, and those problems often become an impediment to that student's learning; conversely, a student whose needs are met and who enjoys positive experiences and reinforcement outside the classroom will not be distracted by unmet needs; and WHEREAS, While we are privileged to have many dedicated teachers and school administrators who are deeply committed to the education of our children, their challenging task is often made more difficult by their students' circumstances at home and within the community, which the schools, with their limited resources, cannot address; and WHEREAS, Fortunately, there exist numerous organizations whose missions are complementary to that of our public schools--namely, to further the physical, moral, and social development of children and young adults, instill in them the desire to learn and succeed, and help them fulfill their potential; and WHEREAS, The Boy Scouts of America (BSA), for example, has a 90-year history of helping to shape and mold the values and character of youth and strengthening not only young people but also families and communities through its comprehensive programs; in addition to chartering BSA local councils, the organization also issues charters to schools and community organizations, which use scouting programs with BSA support as part of their own youth work; and WHEREAS, The Big Brothers Big Sisters organization similarly has a 100-year history of community service and is the oldest and largest youth mentoring organization in the United States, matching caring adults with school-age children in one-to-one relationships; studies show that participating students are 52 percent less likely to skip school than peers who are not in the program; students in the school-based Big Brothers Big Sisters In School program also show improved performance and attendance, better grades, and greater self-confidence; and WHEREAS, Area YMCA and YWCA branches are found in many communities large and small, and no community is without its local church or churches; for organizations such as these, youth outreach is more than an incidental service but an essential mission and is often at the core of an organization's existence; and WHEREAS, By enlisting the help and support of these many fine youth-oriented organizations, schools, school districts, and school organizations can not only better focus their resources but, by facilitating or participating in the various youth programs, also ensure that each student receives the services and assistance necessary to develop that student's unique potential; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby encourage schools, school districts, and student organizations to solicit help, guidance, and support from organizations that administer youth programs as well as from churches within their respective communities.