79R4915 KO-D

By:  Isett                                                      H.C.R. No. 60 

WHEREAS, Gail Platt of Lubbock has served as president of the Texas Community College Teachers Association (TCCTA) for 2004–2005, and her 20 years of membership in that respected organization reflect her longstanding dedication to the students, faculty, and educational institutions of Texas; and WHEREAS, Composed of educators from all public and independent community, junior, and technical colleges in the State of Texas, TCCTA is by far the largest organization of postsecondary educators in the state; Dr. Platt has also served the association as president-elect, vice president, and treasurer, provided leadership on the Professional Development Committee, and acted as a TCCTA campus representative; and WHEREAS, Since 2000, Dr. Platt has distinguished herself as director of the Teaching and Learning Center at South Plains College in Levelland, where she helped develop an award-winning student services support program; named the Texas Developmental Educator of the Year in 1999, she was the project director of Title III programs from 2000 to 2004 and is the director of Title V programs for 2004-2009; and WHEREAS, Dr. Platt also serves as co-chair of the Texas Success Initiative Advisory Committee to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board; and WHEREAS, While sharing her expertise with numerous professional organizations, including the College Reading and Learning Association, the Texas Association of Developmental Education, and the National Association of Women in Education, she has also found time in her busy schedule to give back to her community through her involvement with area organizations such as the Lubbock Area Literacy Coalition, Lubbock Arts Festival, and Lubbock League of Women Voters; and WHEREAS, A person of great integrity and courage, Gail Platt has helped ensure success for the students and graduates of Texas colleges and universities by working tirelessly to preserve high academic standards; she has always given unsparingly of her time and talents and has executed her duties and responsibilities with enthusiasm, perseverance, diligence, and professionalism, and in so doing, she has brought great credit to her institution, her professional associations, and the teaching profession; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby recognize Gail Platt for her outstanding service to the Texas Community College Teachers Association and commend her for her innumerable contributions to higher education in the Lone Star State; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Dr. Platt as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.