H.C.R. No. 126

WHEREAS, The citizens of West Texas lost a widely esteemed lawman with the passing of Clayton McKinney of Midland on August 20, 2004, at the age of 64; and WHEREAS, A native of the Big Bend area, Mr. McKinney was born in Marathon on June 4, 1940; early in his career he worked as a pilot and game warden, stationed in Van Horn with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; while associated with that agency, he played a key role in the restoration of pronghorn antelope to the Big Bend region; and WHEREAS, After leaving Texas Parks and Wildlife, Mr. McKinney embarked on a stellar 16-year career with the Texas Rangers; based in Sierra Blanca from 1969 to 1977 and in Alpine from 1977 to 1985, he established effective working relationships with law enforcement officers in Mexico; as a result, he was able to achieve a significant reduction in drug traffic and to recover a substantial amount of stolen property that had been taken across the border; and WHEREAS, Because of the regard in which Mr. McKinney was held and his familiarity with the region, both James A. Michener and Larry McMurtry asked that he guide them through the Big Bend country in preparation for their respective books, Texas and Lonesome Dove; and WHEREAS, In recognition of his outstanding work with the Texas Rangers, Mr. McKinney was named the 1978 Big Bend Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by the Big Bend Law Enforcement Officers Association, and he was also inducted into the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame; and WHEREAS, Clayton McKinney retired from the Texas Rangers in 1985 and joined the Midland County Sheriff's Office as a lieutenant in the Criminal Investigation Division; over the ensuing months, he supervised the clearing of more than 200 burglary cases, an accomplishment that led to a marked reduction in illicit narcotics activity; in 1987 he instituted a five-year-long series of reverse sting operations, which resulted in the arrest of approximately 40 individuals thought to be major drug offenders and in the seizure of currency and property worth approximately $10 million; and WHEREAS, For his successes in combating the illegal drug trade, he was named the 1986 Greg McFarlin-Max Banks Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by the Sheriffs' Association of Texas and, in 1987, designated the 200 Club Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by the 200 Club of Midland; and WHEREAS, Promoted to chief deputy in 1996, Mr. McKinney was instrumental in resolving a nationally publicized hostage situation in Fort Davis in 1997; in the wake of that incident, the Midland County Sheriff's Office established S.T.A.R., Sheriffs of Texas Agreed Response, to better prepare sheriffs' offices around the state to respond to natural or man-made disasters; as head of the program, Mr. McKinney directed the coordinated training of numerous sheriff's deputies and the distribution of surplus military equipment to many sheriffs' departments; and WHEREAS, After more than three decades in the law enforcement profession, Mr. McKinney retired from the Midland County Sheriff's Office in 2002 and joined NCS Pearson, Inc.; in his new capacity, he helped to evaluate airport security across the nation; and WHEREAS, During those years he also worked on a project to build a new, county-owned prison in Hudspeth County; that facility, the West Texas Detention Center--Ranger Clayton McKinney Unit, was dedicated on August 14, 2004; Mr. McKinney was further honored by Midland College, which has established a law enforcement scholarship in his name; and WHEREAS, This acclaimed law officer was the husband of Jean McKinney and the father of three sons, all of whom followed him into the field of law enforcement; and WHEREAS, Throughout his long and distinguished career, Clayton McKinney exemplified the highest ideals of his profession and contributed immeasurably to the safety and well-being of countless fellow citizens; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby pay special tribute to the memory of Clayton McKinney and extend deepest sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife, Jean McKinney; to his sons and their spouses, Clay McKinney and his wife, Brenda, Troy McKinney and his wife, Kim, and Rory McKinney and his wife, Katrina; to his grandchildren, Clay Ryon, Jake, Sarah, Brooke, Clayton, Hannah, Ember, Ethan, and Evan; to his brother, Billy Pat McKinney; to his sister, Midge Gooch; and to his other relatives and many friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in memory of Clayton McKinney. Craddick ______________________________ ______________________________ President of the Senate Speaker of the House I certify that H.C.R. No. 126 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote of the House on April 7, 2005. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House I certify that H.C.R. No. 126 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote of the Senate on April 13, 2005. ______________________________ Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: __________________ Date __________________ Governor