79R2005 JNC-D

By:  Guillen                                                    H.C.R. No. 141

WHEREAS, The Fidel and Andrea R. Villarreal Elementary School is opening its doors in the fall of 2005, ushering in an exciting new era of educational opportunity for the children of Zapata County; and WHEREAS, The institution will undoubtedly be an exemplary place of learning that will provide local students with a strong foundation on which to build; and WHEREAS, Constructed on 15 acres of land donated by the Villarreal family, the school is named to honor the memory of lifelong Zapata County residents Fidel and Andrea R. Villarreal; and WHEREAS, Respected members of the community, this notable Texas couple operated the Bluebonnet Cafe for more than 30 years and were also involved in farming, ranching, and the furniture business; firm believers in the importance of education, they successfully instilled the same values in their family, as evidenced by the fact that five of their six children and all of their grandchildren graduated from college; and WHEREAS, Today, the generous contribution of the Villarreal family furthers the enduring legacy of Fidel and Andrea Villarreal, whose commitment to education and helping others will benefit countless young Texans; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby pay special tribute to the memory of Fidel and Andrea R. Villarreal and commemorate the opening of the Fidel and Andrea R. Villarreal Elementary School in Zapata County; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the Villarreal family and for the school as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.