79R14761 MAM-D

By:  Homer                                                      H.C.R. No. 165

WHEREAS, Citizens from Lamar County are visiting the State Capitol on May 4, 2005, to celebrate Paris/Lamar County Day; and WHEREAS, Located in North Texas in the heart of the Red River Valley, Lamar County was once home to the Caddo Indians, who are believed to have occupied the area shortly after 500 A.D.; during the 1600s, Europeans began to explore the land, and Anglos first settled there around 1815; officially organized on February 1, 1841, Lamar County was named for Mirabeau B. Lamar, the fourth president of the Republic of Texas; and WHEREAS, George W. Wright, a member of the 3rd Texas Congress and a major promoter of the founding of the county, donated 50 acres of land for a townsite, which became Paris and was established as the county seat in 1844; and WHEREAS, A center for commerce and manufacturing, Paris has long played a significant role in the development of the area; today, the city is home to four Fortune 500 manufacturers, yet it maintains its small-town charm, as evidenced by its 1920s downtown architecture; the city is also known for the unique photo-op offered by its distinctive landmark, a replica of the Eiffel Tower topped by a cowboy hat; and WHEREAS, In 1997, Paris was designated the Official Crape Myrtle City of Texas, and according to local legend, the city is also the birthplace of the French fry; as the story goes, Fletcher Davis, who ran a small cafe in Athens, introduced the hamburger to an appreciative crowd at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904; when interviewed by a reporter from the New York Tribune, he explained that the sandwich was his invention but that he learned to make the accompanying crispy potatoes from a friend in Paris; the reporter thought he meant Paris, France, and wrote about the delicious hamburger and its companion "French-fried potatoes"; and WHEREAS, Food enthusiasts may enjoy the city's culinary lore, but those who prefer outdoor recreations will take pleasure in Crook and Pat Mayse Lakes, which offer many sporting activities; the community's Sam Bell Maxey House and other historic sites impart a sense of the town's rich heritage; and WHEREAS, Residents of Lamar County ensure the vitality of their region by preserving their rich legacy and preparing for a productive future, while providing tourists with an attractive and enjoyable destination to visit; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby recognize May 4, 2005, as Paris/Lamar County Day at the State Capitol and extend to its citizens sincere best wishes for an enjoyable visit to Austin.