79R16025 JNC-D

By:  Craddick                                                   H.C.R. No. 207

WHEREAS, For more than a decade, Dilly Mendoza has served with distinction as secretary to the captain of the Texas Department of Public Safety Capitol Detail; and WHEREAS, Ms. Mendoza began her tenure in January 1994, and through the years she has worked for seven captains while handling paperwork for numerous other DPS personnel; and WHEREAS, From inspecting the uniforms and equipment of troopers new to the detail to handling police-related requests, Ms. Mendoza has been called on to perform a wide variety of tasks over the course of her tenure, and in doing so, she has helped to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of the office and a safer Capitol Complex; and WHEREAS, Affectionately known by her coworkers as "Ms. Dilly," this beloved woman has for many years watched over "Dilly's Babies" as they have transferred in and out of the Capitol Detail, and those who ignore her Rule No. 1 had best beware, for they are treading in dangerous waters; and WHEREAS, Ms. Mendoza has been a dedicated, knowledgeable, and delightful employee, and she will be greatly missed by her colleagues and many friends at the State Capitol; as she embarks on a new chapter in her career to serve as captain's secretary for the Governor's Protective Detail, it is indeed a pleasure to honor her for her outstanding service; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby commend Dilly Mendoza for her distinguished tenure with the Texas Department of Public Safety Capitol Detail and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued success in her new post; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Mendoza as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.