79R20225 KCR-D

By:  Escobar                                                    H.C.R. No. 230

WHEREAS, H.B. No. 3152 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate; and WHEREAS, H.B. No. 3152 contains technical errors that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to correct H.B. No. 3152 as follows: (1) In amended Subsection (g), Article 1.051, Code of Criminal Procedure, immediately before the colon, strike "proceedings" and substitute "the proceedings". (2) In amended Subsection (g), Article 1.051, Code of Criminal Procedure, in the third complete sentence of the blocked text, between "counsel" and "if", insert "appointed for me free of charge".