79R20233 MMS-D

By:  Gallego                                                    H.C.R. No. 237

WHEREAS, Jose Montemayor, who is retiring as Texas insurance commissioner on May 31, 2005, after six years in that office, has rendered exceptional service to the citizens of this state; and WHEREAS, Mr. Montemayor joined the Texas Department of Insurance in 1993; he served two years as director of Insurer Services and four years as associate commissioner for the Financial Program, overseeing the licensing, solvency, and market conduct of more than 2,000 insurers and health maintenance organizations doing business in Texas; and WHEREAS, The first Hispanic insurance commissioner in Texas, Mr. Montemayor was appointed to that office by then Governor George Bush and appointed to two additional terms by Governor Rick Perry; during his tenure as the chief regulator for the insurance industry, Mr. Montemayor launched the $130 million per year Texas FAIR plan, which provides for residential property insurance for qualified consumers who are having difficulty obtaining coverage, and worked with the Texas Legislature to modernize insurance regulation and address skyrocketing increases in medical malpractice premiums; and WHEREAS, In addition, Mr. Montemayor created protocols both for the early identification of companies at risk for insolvency and for intervening in such cases; he is credited with many successful company rehabilitation interventions, as well as with improving consumer protection in every line of insurance; and WHEREAS, Widely respected in the insurance industry, this esteemed Texan has chaired the North American Free Trade Agreement tri-national group, composed of industry members and regulators from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico; moreover, he has served as chairman of the Property and Casualty Committee of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), as head of the NAIC Examination Oversight Task Force, and as chairman of the NAIC's holding company group; and WHEREAS, Before joining the Texas Department of Insurance, Mr. Montemayor served for more than 20 years in the United States Air Force; he enlisted in 1969 and became an officer and ICBM combat crew commander in 1978; he later served in the Peacekeeper and Minuteman ICBM programs and in the Air Force Security Assistance program in Latin America before retiring in 1993 with the rank of major; and WHEREAS, A native of Brownsville, Mr. Montemayor received a bachelor's degree in 1975 from St. Edward's University; he also holds a master of arts degree in administration from Webster University, a master's degree in logistics management from the Air Force Institute of Technology, and a master of accountancy degree from Texas State University-San Marcos; in 1988 he was a Kellogg Foundation fellow; and WHEREAS, Jose Montemayor has given unstintingly of his talents and efforts in behalf of the State of Texas, and his unwavering commitment to the duties of his office has reflected government service at its finest; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby honor Jose Montemayor for his exemplary service as Texas insurance commissioner and extend to him sincere appreciation for his immeasurable contributions to the Lone Star State; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Montemayor as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.