79R3045 BJM-D

By:  Bonnen                                                       H.R. No. 43 

WHEREAS, Lucille Maes has been named the 2004 Citizen of the Year by the Angleton Chamber of Commerce in recognition of her steadfast devotion to the city she is proud to call home; and WHEREAS, Ms. Maes is truly an invaluable asset to the Angleton community, and whether engaged in professional or civic endeavors, she has set a sterling example of leadership to which all may aspire; and WHEREAS, The director of the Angleton Area Emergency Corps, she has earned the Department of State Health Services 2004 Administrator of the Year Award, as well as the distinction of managing the top EMS unit in Texas in 2002; moreover, she has distinguished herself as chair for EMS directors in Brazoria County and as chair of the Texas Trauma Rac-R; and WHEREAS, Equally impressive are this dedicated professional's civic contributions; as an ambassador for the chamber of commerce, she chaired the Christmas on the Square event and enthusiastically promotes both the citizens and businesses of Angleton; further, her important committee work with the police and fire departments and the school district have helped enhance the quality of life for countless area residents in terms of both safety and education; and WHEREAS, For nearly two decades, Lucille Maes has had a profound impact on the Angleton community, and she has undoubtedly earned a special place in the hearts of her fellow citizens; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Lucille Maes on her receipt of the 2004 Citizen of the Year Award and extend to her heartfelt wishes for continued success in all her endeavours; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Maes as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.