H.R. No. 55 

WHEREAS, Members of the Texas Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (TAIFA) are gathering in Austin on January 25, 2005, for their legislative day at the Capitol, providing a fitting opportunity to acknowledge this exemplary organization on its 80th anniversary; and WHEREAS, Founded in 1925, TAIFA, formerly known as the Texas Association of Life Underwriters, is composed of more than 4,000 members statewide, making it the largest association of financial and insurance professionals in the Lone Star State; the group is dedicated to protecting the interests of families and businesses by identifying risks and offering solutions for financial independence; the association also promotes communication, ethical conduct, governmental relations and advocacy, networking, and public service while hosting conferences and seminars; and WHEREAS, The association currently benefits from the leadership and expertise of president H. Dan Smith, CLU, LUTCF, state political involvement chair Donald Lane Boozer II, and the members of the Texas Leaders Round Table, representing the top two percent of the state's life insurance producers; and WHEREAS, TAIFA is a vital group of professionals who consistently work in behalf of consumers and businesses to advance financial independence and reliable insurance for all, and it is a pleasure to recognize their important work at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby welcome members of the Texas Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors to the State Capitol on the occasion of TAIFA's 80th anniversary and commend its membership for an excellent record of serving families and businesses in the Lone Star State; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the association as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Crownover Craddick Geren Menendez Allen of Harris Giddings Merritt Allen of Dallas Gonzales Miller Alonzo Gonzalez Toureilles Moreno of Harris Anchia Goodman Moreno of El Paso Anderson Goolsby Morrison Bailey Griggs Mowery Baxter Grusendorf Naishtat Berman Guillen Nixon Blake Haggerty Noriega Bohac Hamilton Oliveira Bonnen Hamric Olivo Branch Hardcastle Orr Brown of Kaufman Harper-Brown Otto Brown of Brazos Hartnett Paxton Burnam Hegar Pena Callegari Herrero Phillips Campbell Hilderbran Pickett Casteel Hill Pitts Castro Hochberg Puente Chavez Hodge Quintanilla Chisum Homer Raymond Coleman Hope Reyna Cook of Navarro Hopson Riddle Cook of Colorado Howard Ritter Corte Hughes Rodriguez Crabb Hunter Rose Crownover Hupp Seaman Davis of Harris Isett Smith of Tarrant Davis of Dallas Jackson Smith of Harris Dawson Jones of Lubbock Smithee Delisi Jones of Dallas Solis Denny Keel Solomons Deshotel Keffer of Dallas Strama Driver Keffer of Eastland Swinford Dukes King of Parker Talton Dunnam King of Zavala Taylor Dutton Kolkhorst Thompson Edwards Krusee Truitt Eiland Kuempel Turner Eissler Laney Uresti Elkins Laubenberg Van Arsdale Escobar Leibowitz Veasey Farabee Luna Villarreal Farrar Madden Vo Flores Martinez West Flynn Martinez Fischer Wong Frost McCall Woolley Gallego McClendon Zedler Gattis McReynolds ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 55 was adopted by the House on January 25, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House